• regulatoryframeworkandadvancedpractice > Overview ofachiEvements and impact
  • Overview ofachiEvements and impact

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    overview of achievements and impact
    international institute for educational planning 2002-2007 activities
    Printed by the International Institute for Educational Planning 7-9 rue Eugène Delacroix, 75116 Paris ?? IIEP, November 2007
    table of contents
    AbbreviAtions  F rAmework oF  the report
    5 7
    7 7 7 7 8 9
    institutionalasPects theseventhmedium-teRmPlan theinstitute’scomPaRativeadvantage
    A chievements
    11 11 13 13 14 15 17 17 21 22 24 26
    The Advanced Training Programme (ATP) The Regional Training Course (RTC) in Buenos Aires Distance education Making IIEP’s training materials available
    Reaching all Children Monitoring the Quality of Education Beyond Primary Education Finance and Management Observation Programme
    reAching  out
    ReviewsbyPeeRs shaRingknowledge
    29 30
    A ssessing  impAct
    the2005exteRnalevaluation contRibutingtothedeveloPmentofcaPacitiesineducationalPlanningand managementinmembeRstates
    31 32 32 34 35 36 36
    Following-up on IIEP’s former trainees Multiplier effect
    contRibutingtosettingtheinteRnationalagenda beingalaboRatoRyofideasandtechniquesfoRunesco feedingcountRyPRocessesandinfluencingdecision-makinginmembeRstates
    Lessons  LeArned
    RelatedtocaPacitydeveloPment RelatedtoReseaRch RelatedtoPeRsonnel Relatedtofinanceandmanagement
    39 40 41 41
    iiep  pubLicAtions  From 2002 to 2007
    A bbreviAtions
    ADEA AIDS ANTRIEP BREDA CONFEMEN EMIS ESART ETICO FAO FLACSO HIV IADB IICBA IIEP INEE MERCOSUR MoE MoHE MTT NFE NGO NUEPA OSI OVCs PRSP RedEtis SACMEQ SEIA SWAp TVET UAE UNAIDS UNESCO UNICEF WB WBI WFP Association for the Development of Education in Africa Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Asian Network of Training and Research Insitutions of Educational Planning UNESCO’s Regional Bureau for Education in Africa Conference of African Ministers of Education Education Management Information System EduSector AIDS Response Trust IIEP’s web platform on Ethics and Corruption Food and Agriculture Organization Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Human immunodeficiency virus Inter-American Development Bank UNESCO’s International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies Mercado Común del Sur Ministry of Education Ministry of Higher Education Mobile Task Team on the Impact of HIV and AIDS on Education (currently ESART) Non-formal education Non-governmental organization National University of Educational Planning and Administration (India) Open Society Institute Orphans and vulnerable children Poverty reduction strategy papers Red de Educación, Transformación, y Inserción Social Southern and Eastern Consortium for the Monitoring of Educational Quality Secondary Education In Africa Sector-wide approach Technical and vocational education and training United Arab Emirates United Nations’ Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS United Nations Education, Science, and Communication Organization United Nations Children’s Fund The World Bank The World Bank Institute World Food Programme


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