• 00e0b0 > SNMP Community String Indexing
  • SNMP Community String Indexing

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    SNMP Community String Indexing
    Document ID: 40367
    Components Used
    Community String Indexing
    Related Information
    This document describes how to use Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) community string
    indexing on Catalyst switches.
    There are no specific requirements for this document.
    Components Used
    This document applies to all Catalyst switches that run regular Catalyst OS or Catalyst IOSR which support
    the BRIDGEMIB. The example in this document usas a Catalyst 5500 that runs 5.5(4) code.
    The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the
    devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure
    that you understand the potential impact of any command.
    Refer to Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.
    Community String Indexing
    Some standard MIBs assume that a particular SNMP entity contains only one instance of the MIB. Thus, the
    standard MIB does not have any index that allows you to directly access an instance of the MIB. In these
    cases, a community string indexing is provided to access each instance of the standard MIB. The syntax is
    [community string]@[instance number].
    For example, the Catalyst switch includes one instance of the standard BRIDGEMIB for each VLAN in the
    switch. If the readonly community string is public and the readwrite community string is private, you can
    use public@25 to read the BRIDGEMIB for VLAN 25 and use private@33 to read and write the
    BRIDGEMIB for VLAN 33. If just public or private is used, the BRIDGEMIB for VLAN 1 is accessed.
    Traps sent from a MIB that is indexed by community string also indicate which instance of the MIB it


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