• 华北电力大学数字电子技术基础视频 > 中压电力线信道特性的测量及分析一. 引言
  • 中压电力线信道特性的测量及分析一. 引言

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    文档标题:中压电力线信道特性的测量及分析 一. 引言
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    中压电力线信道特性的测量及分析 侯思祖 邢志民 程晓荣 康恩婷 华北电力大学 保定 071003 摘要: 电力线通信作为通信的一种可选方案有自己的独特优势。而利用中压电力线进行通 信又有着广泛的应用范围和前景,其中中压电力线通道的特性对于通信的实现起着至关重要 的作用。本文对位于市区的一条典型居民小区的中压 10KV 配电站的线路进行了现场测量, 在 10KHz-35MHz 范围内对中压电力线信道的噪声、阻抗特性以及传输衰减进行了系统的 测试和分析研究,并且运用 MATLAB 对得到得数据进行分析。从而得出了一些有价值的结 论,讨论了信道特性对宽带中压电力线通信的影响及对策。 关键字:中压电力线 ;噪声;阻抗;传输衰减;信道特性 Measurement and research of the channel characteristics for the middle voltage power line Sizu Hou Zhimin Xing xiaorong cheng Enting Kang North China Electric Power University Baoding, 071003 Abstract : Power line communication is one of the method of communication which has its special advantage. The middle voltage power line communication has the abroad range and foreground . The characteristics of channel is very important and linchpin in middle voltage power line communications. In order to assess the transmission characteristics of the medium power line , this paper presents an example in Beijing dweller which distribution line voltage is 10KV . We test and research the noise and impedance character and transmission attenuation in the frequency rage of 100KHz – 38 MHz . With the help of the sofeware of Matlab ,We analyze the data and conclude a few of important conclusion , and discuss the channel characteristics which affect the middle voltage power line communication and the countermeasure which make better use of the channel characteristics for communicate. Keyword :middle voltage power line ; noise ; transmission attenuation; characteristics of channel 一. 引言 电力线通信(PLC, power line communication)是利用高压电力线(在电力载波领域 通常指 35kV 及以上电压等级)、中压电力线(指 10kV 电压等级)或低压配电线


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