• adobepremiere6.5 > Microsoft Word - Adobe Launches Premiere 6.5 in India 1.doc-...
  • Microsoft Word - Adobe Launches Premiere 6.5 in India 1.doc-...

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2012-05-31   下载次数:0   点击次数:5
    video for DVD, videotape, Web, CD-ROM and film. Windows users can export MPEG2 files using the
    new Adobe MPEG Encoder and then use the bundled version of DVDit! LE to author DVDs. Macintosh
    users benefit from integration with Apple iDVD and DVD Studio Pro that makes it possible to export
    MPEG2 files straight from the Adobe Premiere timeline.
    Παγε 2 of 2
    6.5 ιν Ινδια
    Editors looking to sweeten their audio can access advanced audio features in Adobe Premiere 6.5. For
    example, Sonic Desktop's SmartSound QuickTracks, and 11 new source tracks, provide royalty-free audio
    that can be altered to fit the length of any project. Also included are three TC Works DirectX plug-ins for
    Windows and TC Works SparkLE, a 2 track stereo audio editor, for Mac OS.
    Adobe continues to offer unparalleled product integration between Adobe Premiere, After EffectsR,
    PhotoshopR, and IllustratorR software, which make up the Adobe Digital Video Collection. This
    powerful editing suite delivers a set of tightly integrated, cost-effective Adobe applications for
    professional digital video production. The Edit Original command allows users to conveniently edit
    native Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects files. After saving the changes, Adobe Premiere
    instantly updates the placed content.
    Pricing and Availability
    Adobe Premiere 6.5 for WindowsR XP, 98SE, 2000, ME and Macintosh OS 9 and OS X will be available
    in India in the first week of September through Adobe distributors - Wipro Infotech and Tech Pacific at
    an estimated street price of Rs. 29,000. The upgrade price for registered users will be Rs 7,500.
    For more information, visit www.adobe.com/premiere.
    About Adobe Systems Incorporated
    Founded in 1982, Adobe Systems, Incorporated (www.adobe.com), the leader in network publishing,
    offers a comprehensive line of software for enterprise and creative professional customers. Its products


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