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  • electrolytically

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    Your class ring is a symbol of the great memories you will have for the rest of your life. So, at Herff Jones, we protect its value with a comprehensive warranty to make certain your memories are with you forever.
    It's about
    Customer Satisfaction Program
    W h a t 's m o re , o u r C u s t o m e r is Program Satisfaction designed to protect your class ring from loss or theft for a full four years.
    (Refer to the inside back cover inser t for details.)
    Karat Facts
    The propor tion of gold in jewelr y is measured in Karats (K). Pure gold is 24K. 18K gold is 18/24 (75%) pure gold. 14K gold is 14/24 pure gold. 10K gold is 10/24 pure gold. The remaining par ts are comprised of other fine metals.
    Yellow Gold: Available in 18K, 14K, & 10K for all ring styles. White Gold: Available in 18K, 14K, & 10K for all ring styles.
    Gold is the standard in fine jewelr y, with a unique richness and brightness. Three fine varieties of gold are available for your high school class ring.
    Crimson Gold: Available in 10K for all ring styles.
    Unless otherwise noted, all ring crests, panels, vistatops, and settings are 10K gold.
    Other Metals
    Extreme Silver Alloy is an alloy that contains 84.3% silver and 10% platinum along with other metals. Ultrium is a non-precious metal alloy. Sunglo is an alloy consisting of various metals.
    crafts your ring with the same care that we use in creating America's most
    The finest simulated and natural stones are available to accent your ring. Choose f ro m a s i m u l a t e d b i r t h s t o n e , n a t u r a l stone , or base and side stones in an array of combinations. Simulated stones include all birthstones (garnet, ultralite, aquamarine, white sapphire, emerald, alexandrite, ruby, peridot, blue spinel, pink sapphire, golden sapphire, and blue zircon), padparadschah, ocean teal, navy blue spinel, all cubic and royal cubic zirconias, and all hope star sapphires. Natural stones include jade, genuine mother of pearl, tiger eye, cat's eye, all agates, and black onyx. Other stones- Certain ring styles accommodate crest, panel, base and/or side stones. In many cases, simulated birthstones or cubic zirconias are available. See your Herff Jones Sales Professional for details on point sizes.


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