• op4gobyflow > (CIO-DAS08-PGH/PGL

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    Multifunction, Medium Speed Boards for IBM Compatibles
    Basic Unit
    Extended Warranty Program
    CIO-DAS08, $459, shown smaller than actual size
    8 Channels of Analog Input Software Programmable Ranges (CIO-DAS08-PGH/PGL Only) Up to 31 Digital I/O Lines
    CIO-DAS08-PGH, $559, shown smaller than actual size
    The CIO-DAS08, CIO-DAS08-PGH and CIO-DAS08-PGL low-cost multi-function boards for the IBM PC and compatibles feature eight analog input channels, seven digital I/O lines, and three counters. The CIO-DAS08 provides an additional 24 digital I/O lines through an auxiliary connector, for a total of 31 digital I/O lines. The CIO-DAS08 supports dip switch-selectable analog ranges, while the analog input ranges of the CIO-DAS08-PGH and CIO-DAS08-PGL are selectable through software. The analog signals are brought on board by a standard 37-pin, D-type connector directly to an analog multiplexer, which provides eight channels of input and is protected against 30 V max. The CIO-DAS08's input channels are single-ended. The CIO-DAS08-PGH/PGL's input channels may be single-ended or differential. The 12-bit A/D converter provides a resolution of 1/4095
    parts of full scale. Speeds of up to 20,000 samples per second are possible. The input ranges of the CIO-DAS08 of ±5 V, ±10 V and 0-10V are selected by dip switches on the board. The programmable amplifier of the CIO-DAS08-PGH/PGL allows the input ranges of these boards to be controlled the PC software. The gains of the CIO-DAS08-PGH are 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500,1000 in both unipolar and bipolar ranges. The gains of the PGL are 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 in unipolar bipolar ranges. Three digital input and four digital output lines are accessible from the boards' main 37-pin connector. Through an auxiliary 37-pin connector, the CIO-DAS08 adds 24 more lines of digital I/O that are programmable as inputs or outputs in groups of eight. These additional I/O lines, which use an industry standard 8255 chip, require a separate terminal panel and cable.


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