Shavings and Sharings
Monthly Newsletter Of
St. Joseph Episcopal Church
11202 West Jewell Avenue, Lakewood, CO 80232 January 2010
Ramblings from the Rector
By The Rev. Michele Quinn-Miscall
Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 3rd Sunday with music 9:15 a.m. Faith Formation for adults and children 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with choir Office Hours Monday—Thursday 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. Rector The Rev. Michele Quinn-Miscall Deacon The Rev. Melanie Christopher The Diocese of Colorado Bishop The Rt. Rev. Robert J. O'Neill Contents Worship Faith Formation Evangelism Oversight Action Community 2-3 3-5 5-6 6 6-7 7-10 11
―It Is Not Over‖ From Kneeling in Bethlehem by Ann Weems It is not over, this birthing. There are always newer skies into which God can throw stars. When we begin to think that we can predict the Advent of God, that we can box the Christ in a stable in Bethlehem, that's just the time that God will be born in a place we can't imagine and won't believe. Those who wait for God watch with their hearts and not their eyes, listening always listening for angel words. So Christmas has come and gone…….. or has it Many of us still have our homes full of Christmas decorations and scraps of wrapping paper tucked here and there. Some of us are real holdouts, nothing can be removed until after the visit of the magi on the feast of the Epiphany, January 6. And there are others who have everything put away and their houses in order by dinner on the 26th. Either way, sooner or later, Christmas gets packed up and put away for another year. We stop being as nice to each other or as kind. We see each other's faults again. All those things that we let go of for the spirit of the season are back……..aren't they Unfortunately it is more often true than not in the world we live in. We forget that the real beauty and the real wonder of Christmas is that God – the most powerful, almighty, Holy, I AM, that has ever and will ever exist chose to become one of us. That is so incredible to me that when I really think about it I am left breathless. That this creator of ours loved us so much that God chose to be one of us. God chose to experience everything we experience. That this creator of ours loved us so much that God chose to be one of us. And so we box all the gifts that the baby brought us and put them away. I'd like to suggest a New Year's resolution. Keep something out, something that you will see each day, something that will be a visual reminder of Christmas. Maybe this year you will chose to keep the Joseph from your crèche out, or maybe it will be a shepherd, or maybe it maybe something that only you understand. My hope and prayer
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