• chang > Chang-yuan(胡长员)1
  • Chang-yuan(胡长员)1

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    3 Results and discussion
    3.1 Characterization of Ni-B/CNTs catalysts
    As shown in Fig.1(a), carbon nanotubes treated by
    ammonia entangle each other and most Ni-B alloys are in
    the form of highly aggregation except for a few high
    dispersion particles on nanotubes. Adsorption of Triton
    x-100 on carbon nanotubes treated by ammonia, however,
    results in relatively individual nanotubes and
    homogeneous Ni-B particles with mean size about 10 nm
    on nanotubes, as shown in Fig.1(b).
    In order to confirm the amorphous structure of
    prepared catalysts, XRD measurement was performed.
    As shown in Fig.2, the XRD patterns of carbon
    nanotubes indicate the graphite structure of prepared
    sample. Cubic nickel was still presented in carbon
    nanotubes after they were treated with ammonia. The
    nickel could be assigned to the Ni residue from the Ni-
    Fig.1 TEM images of catalysts: (a) Ni-B/CNTs; (b) Ni-B/
    Fig.2 XRD patterns of samples
    Cu-Al catalyst, used to synthesize CNTs. From this, it is
    likely that nickel residue in CNTs is difficult to remove
    by heat treatment with ammonia. Compared with the
    patterns of CNTs, the patterns of Ni-B/CNTs and
    Ni-B/CNTs-T do not exhibit other crystalline peaks,
    which means the amorphous structure of prepared
    HU Chang-yuan, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 17(2007) s1105
    The bulk composition, Ni-loading, total surface area
    and active surface area of the fresh catalysts are listed in
    Table 1. Ni-loading is increased approximately by 14.6%
    through adsorption of Triton x-100 on carbon nanotubes
    treated by ammonia. The reason may be that
    modification of CNTs with Triton has effects on the
    stabilization of nanotubes suspension and the wetting
    behavior of nanotubes surface. These changes facilitate


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