• gongwiththewind > Acknowledgements
  • Acknowledgements

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    M.A. Buddhist Studies Dissertation
    June 2007
    The Road to Nowhere
    Koans and the Deconstruction of the Zen Saga
    Mary Jaksch
    I am grateful to those who offered advice and criticism on preliminary versions of this dissertation. In particular I would like to thank Professor Dale S. Wright, Professor Victor Sōgen Hori, Nelson Foster, Roshi, and Arthur Wells, M.A.—all of whom offered detailed and trenchant comments. I also thank Professor Peter Harvey for his guidance and supervision.
    Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………..…….ii Contents………………………………………………………………………...…iii Abstract………………………………………………………………………….....iv 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………...….1 2. The master narrative of Zen…………………………………….………………..3 2.1. What is the master narrative ……………………………..……3 2.2. The problem of cultural bias…………………………………...6 3. The genesis of koans in the Tang and Song ..………………………………........7 3.1. The origins of the term 'koan'……………………………...….7 3.2. Blueprints for koans…………………………………………....7 3.3. The Dunhuang find………………………………………….....9 3.4 The 'Bodhidharma Anthology'…………………………...........9 3.5. 'Record of the Masters and Disciples of the La≡kāvatāra'......12 3.6. The 'Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall'………………….…...13 3.7. The 'Jingde era of the Transmission of the Lamp' ..………….14 3.8. The 'Records of the Four Masters'.…………….…………......15 3.9. Did encounter dialogues happen in the Tang …………….…..16 3.10. Dahui's Kanhua Chan………………………………….…….22 4. Koan study in the Diamond Sangha……………………………………..…...….25 4.1. Contemporary views on koans ..………………………...….....25 4.2. Koans as paradoxes……………………………………..….….27 4.3. Koans and realisation…………………………………….……29 4.4. Resolving a koan ………………………………………….…. 33 4.5. The process of koan study ………………………………….…35 4.6. The initial koan……………………………………….………..35 4.7. Readiness……………………………………………….……...37 4.8. The experience of realisation…………………………….…….39 4.9. Checking questions ……………………………………...…….40 4.10. Changes after realisation …………………………………......41 4.11. Completing koan study.………………………………………41 5. Conclusion.………………………………………………………………………42 Bibliography………………………………………………………………………..44


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