• 高颈髓病变 > 脊髓型颈椎病MRI T2相高信号
  • 脊髓型颈椎病MRI T2相高信号

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    文档作者:TTOD Co., Ltd
    论 著
    脊髓型颈椎病MRI T2相高信号
    刘新宇 汤继文 潘 新 侯 勇
    摘 要 目的:将CSEP作为评价脊髓型颈椎病术前术后脊髓功能状态的评分标准,对脊髓型颈椎病(CSM)患者
    MR I T2相有无高信号与患者预后的相关性进行评估.方法:将56例接受颈椎后路双开门手术的脊髓型颈椎病患者分
    例(37. 5 %)手术前MR I显示有异常高信号(ISI).(1)手术前有MR I T2相高信号(ISI)组正中神经,胫后神经及尺神经
    CSEP较无MR I T2相高信号(ISI)组潜伏期略长,波幅略小,但t检验两组无显著性差异(P> 0. 05);(2)手术后CSEP
    潜伏期及波幅改善值两组t检验亦无显著性差异(P> 0.05).结论:术前有无MR I T2相高信号与患者的预后无明显相
    关键词 脊髓型椎病; 磁共振; 皮层体感诱发电位; 预后
    中图分类号 R681 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1005 - 8478(2003)02 - 0081 - 04
    The Correlation bet ween the Increased Signal Intensity of the Spinal Cord on T22weighted Magnetic Resonance Images
    and Prognosis of Cervical Compressive Myelopathy-CSEP Analysis‖L I UX i n2y u,TA N GJ i2w en,PA NX i n,etal.T heDe2
    part mentofO rt hopedicS u rgery,Qil uHospit al,S han dongU ni versity,S han dong250012
    Abstract Objective : To analyze t he correlations between t he increased signal intensity of t he spinal cord on magnetic reso2
    nance images andprognosis of cervical compressive myelopat hy by CSEP. Met hods : Fifty2sixpatients wit h cervical spondylotic
    myelopat hy were treated by double open2door surgery t hroughposterior approach at Qilu hospital. They included 40 men and 16
    women whose mean age was 51. 2(range 35~78). Thepatients were diagnosed to have cervical spondylotic myelopat hy based
    on bot h t he neuralgic examination and MR I findings t hat show spinal cord compression. They were divided into twogroups ac2
    cording topre2surgery MR images : ISIgroup and no ISIgroup ,t he former was classified into focal ISIgroup and multi2segmen2
    tal ISIgroup . Thepreoperative andpost2operative CSEP ofposterior tibial nerve ,ulnar nerve and median nerve were recorded.
    Thepost2operative CSEP wasperformed 8 days after surgery. Results : Increased signal intensity was observed in 21patients
    (37. 5 %),16patients showed focal ISI and 5 showed multi2segmental.(1)There was no statistically significant difference be2


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