• burning中文歌词 > 欢迎莅临参与第五届
  • 欢迎莅临参与第五届

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    欢迎莅临参与第五届 「新视野艺术节」. 康乐及文化事务署主办的 「新视野艺术节」 ,自二零零二年首次 举行以来,一直广受观众,艺术界和媒体支持,现已成为两年 一度令人期盼的艺坛盛事,不单为观众献上以亚洲艺术为焦点, 新颖独特的优质跨文化演艺节目,同时也为本地和访港艺术家 提供文化合作交流的平台. 今届艺术节将呈献十五项精彩的舞台表演节目,其中多项更属国际著名艺术家的世界 首演新作.这些跨越文化和地域疆界的作品极具创意,包括殿堂级歌后朱哲琴联同民族 音乐和中西乐器演奏家震撼人心的表演,以及来自英国,日本,南非和纽约的劲量级 鼓手和乐手同台演出的 《翼动:跨文化鼓乐激奏》 等.艺术节还为观众献上本地和访港 艺术家艺团的合作成果,当中包括由非常林奕华汇集中港台演艺精英所制作的委约 作品 《命运建筑师之远大前程》 .此外,艺术节亦对传统艺术进行探索,呈献包括日本 歌舞伎大师东玉三郎的中日版昆剧 《牡丹亭》 ,台湾心心南管乐坊的首出南管现代歌剧 《羽》 ,台湾国光剧团的新编京剧 《金锁记》 ,以及八十后新疆乐队融合世界音乐与传统 木卡姆音乐的创意演出.这些突破界限的节目,为本地艺坛带来多元色彩,并突显香港 作为亚洲国际都会的地位. 除了舞台演出外,艺术节还安排了各式各样的延伸活动,包括艺评写作导领计划, 新媒体艺术展,以及一系列的工作坊,讲座,学校巡回演出和户外音乐会等,务求把 艺术节的氛围带到社会每个角落. 我热切期待大家踊跃参与这个丰富多采的艺术节,与我们一同体验跨文化艺术的独特 魅力,开拓艺术新视野.
    康乐及文化事务署署长 冯程淑仪
    Welcome to the 5th New Vision Arts Festival. Thanks to the support of our audience, the arts circle and the media, the New Vision Arts Festival, presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department since 2002, has become a highly anticipated biennial event. Distinctive in its presentation of innovative and unique cross-cultural performances with an Asian focus, the Festival also provides a platform for cultural exchange and cooperation between local and visiting artists. The Festival this year showcases a colourful line-up of 15 performing arts programmes, including a number of world premieres of exciting cross-boundary artistic pursuits by internationally renowned artists from different parts of the world, such as the rapturous musical encounter of legendary diva Dadawa with ethnic and contemporary musicians, and the percussion extravaganza The Butterfly Effect: East-West Percussive Parade featuring top drummers and instrumentalists from the United Kingdom, Japan, South Africa and New York. Local artists/arts groups will present their artistic creation in collaboration with overseas counterparts, including the commissioned theatre production Grand Expectations by Edward Lam Dance Theatre featuring artists from the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Furthermore, there are also new explorations of the traditional arts, ranging from the phenomenal Sino-Japanese version of Kunqu opera The Peony Pavilion starring the Japanese Kabuki master Bando Tamasaburo, the first contemporary Nanguan opera Feather by the Xinxin Nanguan Ensemble of Taiwan, and the innovative Peking Opera production The Golden Cangue by the Guoguang Opera Company of Taiwan, the refashioning of traditional Muqam as a genre of world music by a post-80s band from Xinjiang. These boundary-breaking programmes not only bring diversity to the local arts scene but also exemplify Hong Kong's status as Asia's world city. Apart from stage performances, the Festival also offers a rich array of extension activities, including an arts criticism mentorship programme, a new media exhibition, a series of workshops and talks, school touring programmes and outdoor concerts, which all serve to bring the festival ambience to the community. I sincerely invite all of you to take part in the Festival and experience the charm and new vision of cross-cultural artistic creation.


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