300 MHz Pulse Generator, Variable
HP 8130A 1 ns variable transitions 300 MHz repetition rate 5V p-p amplitude
Minimum resolution: 10 ps; 10 mV 1 channel (2 optional) fully HP-IB programmable
HP 8130A with Option 020, second channel
300 MHz Pulse Generator
The 300 MHz repetition rate of the HP 8130A Pulse Generator establishes a new class of high-speed programmable pulse generator with variable transition times. In many cases, the HP 8130A will perform parametric and function tests up to 300 MHz, because delay and width have a degree of adjustment at this speed. This increases your confidence in the device, because measurements can be performed at a higher speed and even at-speed measurements are feasible. Clean edges down to 1 ns mean repeatable, reliable measurements on fast digital ICs like BiCMOS, ECL and ECLips*. Variable transition times mean you can optimize switching speed and thus reduce the effects of ringing and reflection when driving reactive or unmatched loads. In addition, the variable transitions open a wide range of analog and digital applications, such as measuring operational amplifiers slew rate, or comparator threshold uncertainty, because trapezoidal and triangular waveforms can be generated.
5V p-p and 10m Information With 5 V p-p pulse amplitude into 50 ohms, you can cover the level requirements of all high-speed semiconductor technologies like BiCMOS, ECL, and ECLips. Minimum signal sensitivity down to 100 mV can be tested using a direct connection to the HP 8130A. Attenuators can be inserted for smaller signal amplitudes; e.g., with a 20 dB attenuator, the minimum amplitude is 10 mV with 1 mV resolution.
zeroes in NRZ (non-return-to-zero) format. Data rates up to 280 Mbit/s can be simulated.
The HP 8130A is the first fully programmable product to offer full pulse performance flexibility up to 300 MHz. Even the input trigger level can be programmed to automate your measurements. This makes it an extremely useful instrument not only for R&D and production engineering environments, but also in incoming component inspection, and for high-speed functional test applications in production test. A new standardized programming language (HP-SL) enables you to program, upload, and down-load new parameters or complete settings for future requirements; i.e., you can rapidly acquire set-ups you have previously set manually.