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  • Internationalism

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    Calendar of Internationalism no. 60, February 2002, UNITED for Intercultural Action 2002 NEW!
    Postbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam, page
    "Gay and Lesbian Rights in the EU Accession Countries" Internet Action on www.eumap.org - send your submissions to submissions@eumap.org Themes: the EU Accession Monitoring Program is seeking articles and opinion pieces on gay and lesbian rights in Europe and in the EU enlargement process to post on www.eumap.org… contact: submissions@eumap.org, www.eumap.org/articles/fyi/020 "Human Rights Advocacy Training" - for refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East Project in London (GB) in English language organised by World University Service Themes: practical course for refugees & asylum seekers who are committed to improving human rights in the region… contact: WUS UK Office, 14 Dufferin Street, GB-London EC1Y 8PD, hratp@wusuk.orgwww.wusuk.org "Seminars, Workshops and Courses" - all over Germany in German language organised by DGB-Bildungswerk - Migration und Qualifizierung "The EU-Anti-Discrimination Law – Implementation and Possibilities to Act" - Seminar in Hamburg "Introduction to the Present Citizenship Law" - Seminar in Niederpcking "Integration by Contract Requirements for Immigrants" - Workshop in Niederpcking "Islam in the Work Place" - Seminar in Berlin "Discrimination of Migrants in the Work Place - Equal Treatment!" - Seminar in Saalfeld "Foreigners Law – Standards and Actual Developments" - Seminar in Hamburg "Anti-Racism in the Internet" - Workshop in Hattingen "Intercultural Training" - Basic Course in Berlin "Germany is an Immigration Country" - Seminar in Niederpcking "Anti-Racism Training" - Basic Course in Hamburg "Anti-Racism Training" - in Saalfeld "Discrimination of Migrants in the Work Place – Equal Treatment!" - Seminar in Hattingen "Intercultural Training" - Research Course in Berlin (D) in German language "The EU Anti-Discrimination Law – Implementation and Possibilities to Act" - Seminar in Berlin "Anti-Racism Training" - Research Course in Hamburg contact: DGB, Hans-Bckler-Strasse 39, D-40476 Düsseldorf, phone +49-211-4301351, fax +49-211-4301134, migration@dgb-bildungswerk.de, www.migration-online.de "Crimes of the German 'Wehrmacht' - Dimensions of the War of Extermination 1941-1944" Exhibition in Bielefeld (D) organised by Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung and Historisches Museum der Stadt Bielefeld Themes: the entanglement of the German military within the National-Socialist war of extermination… contact: Historisches Museum der Stadt Bielefeld, Ravensberger Park 2, D-33607 Bielefeld, phone +49-521-513630, fax +49-521-516745, www.wehrmachtausstellung-bi.de, www.historisches-museum-bielefeld.de/ "Resistance Lecture and Demonstration Against the Blue-Black Government" - in Wien (A) organised by several organisations of the Widerstand-movement Themes: show your resistance against the far right government in Austria... contact: Botschaft der besorgten BürgerInnen, Ballhausplatz 1a, A-1010 Wien, phone +43-663-9213345, el@awadalla.at, www.awadalla.at/el/literatur/widerstandslesungen.html, www.widerstand.at "Stop Detentions, Stop Deportations, Close Campsfield Now!" Demonstration at Campsfield Immigration Detention Centre near Oxford (GB) contact: Campaign to Close Campsfield, 111 Magdalen Road, GB-Oxford OX4 1RQ, phone +44-1865-558145, fax +44-1865-558145, confagstimmdetn@aol.com, www.closecampsfield.org.uk "Solidarity Picket at 'Bijlmerbajes Amsterdam' where Asylum Seekers are Imprisoned" - in Amsterdam (NL) Special Dates: each Sunday (13.02.02-31.03.02) and on Good Friday (29.03.2002) contact: Catholic Worker, phone +31-20-6994320 or Fransicaanse Vredeswacht, phone +31-20-6452399 "Meal for Legal and Illegal Women" - in Den Haag (NL) contact: Vrouwengroep Prime, Stationsweg 62, NL-Den Haag "Stop Right-Wing Violence" - Demonstration in Augsburg (D) organised by Antifaschistisches Aktionsbündnis Augsburg Themes: resistance against the nazis and their alliances, situation of refugees, the war in Afghanistan… contact: AABA, Altes Kantzengsschen 6, D-86152 Augsburg "Advanced International Programme on Human Rights" Five-Week Interdisciplinary Programme in Lund (S) in English language organised by Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights Themes: aspects of law, social sciences, and philosophy... contact: RWI, Grbrodersgatan 17b, S-22222 Lund, phone +46-46-2221200, secretariat@rwi.lu.se, www.rwi.lu.se


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