• catalystcs5 > (华月明)
  • (华月明)

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    Hua et al. / J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2004 5(6):705-708 705
    Rapid synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst for
    amination of ethanolamine*
    HUA Yue-ming (华月明), HU Wang-ming (胡望明)
    (Department of Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
    E-mail: huwm@zju.edu.cn
    Received July 7, 2003; revision accepted Nov. 7, 2003
    Abstract: ZSM-5 zeolite was rapidly synthesized in system containing ethylenediamine from the initial gel: (5 8) Na2O:
    44 EDA:Al2O3:100 SiO2:4000 H2O. The crystals were lath-shaped. The effect of pretreatment and alkalinity on crystallinity
    was investigated. The pretreatment of silicate source can cut down the crystallization time. Tuning the system alkalinity and
    controlling crystallization time can ensure forming of pure crystal.
    Key words: ZSM-5 zeolite, Synthesis, Pretreatment, Alkalinity
    Document code: A CLC number: TP2032.4
    ZSM-5 zeolite is a typical high silica zeolite
    with MFI-type structure which makes ZSM-5 zeo-
    lite widely useful as catalysts in petroleum and
    petrochemical industry. In recent years, the appli-
    cation of ZSM-5 is expanding into the synthesis
    fields of specialty and fine chemicals (Davis, 1998),
    such as the preparation of ethylene amines. The ex-
    cellent catalytic performance of ZSM-5 was noted
    (Hua and Hu, 2001).
    In most cases, the synthesis of ZSM-5 is ach-
    ieved by hydrothermal synthesis. The crystalliza-
    tion process and final product are sensitively dep-
    endent on the composition of source materials, tem-
    perature, time, template agents and other initial
    conditions of the reaction system. As the crystalli-
    zation time is relatively long, usually over 3 days,
    the rapid synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolite in system
    containing simple amines holds researchers' inter-
    ests (Hu et al., 2001; Liu and Xiang, 2001). In order


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