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    Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy
    University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Philosophy
    Spring 2005
    Volume 1
    No. 1
    THE JOURNAL Forms is the official undergraduate journal of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Colorado at Boulder. It is a student-run journal, whose mission is to provide students of various disciplines with the opportunity to have their philosophical papers published and shared in the broader academic community. Forms accepts work from all disciplines with an emphasis on the creative presentation of philosophical thinking and inquiry. It strives to give all willing undergraduates the opportunity to share their best and most significant work, all while maintaining scholastic integrity. CONTENTS Esse Est Percipieri: A Speculative Dialogue Concerning George Berkeley's Doctrine of "Immaterialism" David Meens…………………………………………………1 Being Infinity: A Play Rachael Uris………………………………………………..12 Locke, Reid, and a New Model of Personal Identity Arthur Tilley………………………………………………...25 On Bullshit, Truth and Lies; and You Joshua Brancheau…………………………………………...35 The First Dialog between Hylas and Philonous; Revised Nels Anderson……………………………………………....43
    Spring 2005
    David Meens
    Ousino. Greetings, Hylas. Hylas. Ousino! I failed to notice you there. Ous. Well, I have succeeded in noticing you. And in the course of the noticing, I can't help but notice that you are mightily preoccupied. What thoughts merit such attentiveness, that you would pass by an old friend without so much as a "hello " Hyl. Forgive me, friend. In truth, I am not so much preoccupied as astonished. In the course of the past few days, the very foundation of all my understanding has been shaken. Today the whole world appears before my eyes as a novelty. In honesty, I've grown suspicious of the objects that I encounter; suspicious that each comes into being only in the moment I happen upon it. Ous. Ah… I'd heard rumor that you've been seen often lately with Philonous and I suspected something amiss. And now I see the evidence firsthand. I wonder, is it inappropriate for me to call you by your given name Perhaps you would prefer "AHylas " Hyl. Your jest may be apt, my friend, for you perceive the profound change that has been worked upon me. Philonous and I have been discussing the most remarkable opinions. Although they appeared quite incredible to my mind only yesterday, today, I must admit, I find them quite compelling. You know, Ousino, you may be interested in these notions yourself, as they resolve countless dilemmas, the likes of which you concern yourself… Ous. Let me spare you the effort of a lengthy exposition. I am already familiar with Philonous' doctrine of "immaterialism." He and I have discussed it at length on more than one occasion.


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