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  • country-by-country

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    Covers Allied Contributions in 2003
    Responsibility Sharing Statistical Compendium
    This Statistical Compendium covers allied contributions made during calendar year 2003 and encompasses all of the data that was presented in the Annexes included in past years' Responsibility Sharing Reports. Please note that data provided in previous reports on nations' contributions to the War on Terrorism is now provided in a separate Report entitled International Contributions to the War on Terrorism. This Compendium is organized into five sections, as described below. A. Data Notes. This section presents sources and notes pertaining to the data summarized in this Statistical Compendium. B. Country Summaries. This section provides summary information for responsibility sharing contributions on a country-by-country basis. Military forces measures shown in these tables reflect a country's share of total contributions relative to its share of ability to contribute. Thus, a ratio between 0.8 and 1.19 indicates that a country's contribution is roughly in balance with its ability to contribute. Generally speaking, the Department gives a nation credit for "substantial contributions" relative to its ability to contribute when it achieves a ratio of 1.2 or greater. Ratios below 0.8 indicate very low effort relative to ability to contribute. Note: With the exception of cost sharing estimates, all dollar figures shown in the country summary charts are in 2003 dollars, using 2003 exchange rates. Cost sharing figures reflect 2002 contributions, and are calculated using 2002 dollars and exchange rates. C. Selected Indicators. Data upon which many of the Compendium's assessments are based involve a comparison of a country's contributions relative to its ability to contribute. This section provides the data upon which this analysis is based. The analysis is conducted in three stages: A country's contribution is expressed as a share of the total contributions of all nations in the Compendium (e.g., share of total defense spending, share of personnel contributions to multinational peace operations). These data are presented in Tables C-2 through C-5. Similarly, a country's ability to contribute is expressed as a share of the total of all nations in the Compendium (i.e., share of total GDP, share of total labor force). These data are shown in Table C-1. By creating a ratio of the share of contribution divided by the share of ability to contribute, analysts can draw conclusions as to the extent and the equity of nations' efforts. These ratios are provided in Tables C-6 through C-9.


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