• 改或新增任何资料 > 中银信用卡改卡户资表格
  • 中银信用卡改卡户资表格

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2011-03-03   下载次数:0   点击次数:1
    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    文档作者:Lenovo User
    中银信用卡改卡户资表格 Cardholder Information Amendment Form
    传真机号码 Fax Number : (853) 28787479 中银信用卡卡号 Credit Card No : 卡户姓名 Cardholder Name:
    本人谨通知 贵司办以下事宜 (请在适用的格内加上""号) Please proceed with the followings (please "" in the appropriate box)
    改月结单之通讯地址(请以英文正楷填写) Amend Statement Address (in block letters):
    (接受邮政信箱,学校宿舍或非本澳地址 P.O.Box , college hostel or non Macau address will not be accepted)
    新络电话 / 电邮地址 Update Contact Phone No. / E-mail Address:
    (电子邮箱 E-mail Address) 电话 Tel:
    (手机 Mobile) (住 Home) (传真机 Fax) (公司 Office)
    换信用卡,原因为 Replace the Card due to
    (请同时退回剪毁之信用卡 please also return the original credit card which has been cut off):
    磁带损坏 Magnetic Tape Damaged 外观损坏 Card Surface Damaged 卡背签名错误 Incorrect Signature 改姓名 Name Changed (请附改名及身份证副本;接受时身份证 please attach copy of Deed Poll & HKID, acknowledgement not accepted) 改卡背签名 Signature Altered 其他(请注明) Others (please specify): 新身分证明文件 Update Identity Document (请附资副本 please attach copy) 申请信用卡柜员机密码 Apply for Credit Card's ATM PIN
    (附属卡申请柜员机密码必须由主卡签署 must be signed by main cardholder for applying ATM PIN for additional cardholder)
    取消信用卡 Cancel Credit Card(请同时退回剪毁之信用卡,包括附属卡
    please return both of the main and the additional cards):
    取消主卡 Cancel main card(如有附属卡亦一并取消 additional card(s), if any, will be cancelled at the same time ) 只取消附属卡 Cancel additional card only:附属卡卡号 additional card card no:
    取消卡原因为 Reason(s) for card cancellation:
    注:如 阁下曾授权商户定时从此信用卡户口扣取费用,或有任何自动转帐安排,请自络商户取消有关安排或改付款方式. Note:If you have authorized other merchandises to directly debit or to make autopay from your credit card account, please contact the corresponding merchandises to cancel such arrangement or rearrange the payment method.
    改信用额 Change of Credit Limit
    (如申请长期加额,请同时附上近期财务资以作审批)(please enclose recent financial/asset proof for permanent credit limit increase application)
    时加额 Temporary: 长期加额 Temporary: 附属卡每月额
    Additional Card Monthly Credit Limit


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