• AFTEREFFECT > 'after-the-effect'
  • 'after-the-effect'

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    Safeguarding public health
    Experience with the OIP Guideline – A Clinical Perspective from the UK on PK and Equivalence Studies
    Dr S.Dissanayake Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, UK 12th October 2010
    Crown copyright
    Revised OIP guideline

    In effect since August 2009 Stepwise approach to demonstrate equivalence
    Step 1. In vitro data Step 2. Lung deposition models (PK / scintigraphy) Step 3. Therapeutic effect / pharmacodynamic models
    If equivalence confirmed at steps 1 or 2, may be no need for further data
    Slide 2 Crown copyright
    Rationale for lung deposition studies (PK / scintigraphy)
    Highly sensitive models
    Salbutamol dose response
    Linear DR reliably highlights differences between T vs. R
    Slide 3
    Crown copyright
    Rationale for lung deposition studies (PK / scintigraphy)
    Substantial literature base Have demonstrated significant differences:
    Between devices At different flow rates With different respiratory manoeuvres With different respirable dose / fine particle dose With different particle sizes Between patients and healthy volunteers With different excipients
    Slide 4
    Crown copyright
    Relevance of PK
    OIP PK an indirect, 'after-the-effect' assay However, BE for non-OIPs frequently does not measure target organ drug levels, e.g., opioids PK sensitive to differences of ≤20%. Less useful to determine BE than bioassays typically sensitive to differences of ~400%
    Where PD dose response exists, PK detects differences, i.e., deposition relates to clinical effect1,2 No studies have simultaneously demonstrated PD differences but equivalent PK
    1. Pauwels,Eur Resp J 1997 2. Selroos, Clin Immunother 1996
    Slide 5
    Crown copyright
    UK experience with OIP PK
    Confirms highly discriminative nature of PK OIP BE is a high, not low, hurdle Why is it difficult Variability of inhalation manoeuvres Variability of T/R


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