• shapeofmyheart > BiographyofAnneBradstreet
  • BiographyofAnneBradstreet

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    Anne Bradstreet " My Dear and Loving Husband,"however, is the quintessential love letter. Anne Bradstreet To shares her feelings to her husband in such a loving way that could make anyone' heart melt. s According to BellaOnline, Bradstreet was, " married to governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony and had eight children."Even though her marriage might have become filled with routines and lost a little passion, the poet never loses the love for her husband. She states that the power of her " love is such that rivers cannot quench" … (Bradstreet, 7). Bradstreet expresses her emotions to be so strong that not even a roaring river can possibly satisfy them. She prizes her husband' s " love more than whole mines of gold/ Or all the riches that the East doth hold,"(Bradstreet, 5-6) … meaning she values his affection more than any amount of money she could obtain. The sonnet goes on to prove how everlasting true love can be when Bradstreet states, " when we live no … more, we may live ever" (12). She wishes to be in love with her husband eternally, even after they both die. The love that Anne Bradstreet expresses in her poem, " My Dear and Loving Husband,"may To not have been the easiest thing for her to write. As a Puritan living in Boston in 1678, it was highly unacceptable for a woman to be so open with her feelings. Within her community, " any woman who sought to use her wit, charm, or intelligence … found herself ridiculed, banished, or executed by the Colony' powerful group of male leaders" s (Andregg). " Her domain was to be domestic, separated from the linked affairs of church and state, even ' deriving her ideas of God from the contemplations of her husband's excellencies,' according to the BiographyofAnneBradstreet. " Even with this knowledge, Bradstreet still took the chance of writing down the love for her husband with words. Another obstacle she was faced with was her struggle for self-importance, when her culture clearly valued God above anyone else. Love during the Puritan era was meant only to occur between God and oneself, and people were not permitted to write about feelings for another person. Love is a powerful thing and can encourage people to do things they normally wouldn' In this case, Bradstreet went against everything she knew to express her feelings for t. her husband.
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