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  • migrantreceiving

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    Europeans several questions related to labor markets, their own economic situation, and their perception of their national economies in order to gauge whether attitudes about immigration issues have changed as a result of economic anxiety. Another highlight of the 2010 survey is a focus on integration issues. Given the salience of the European debate in particular, the survey included questions that allowed respondents to evaluate the integration of various immigrant groups as well as the children of immigrants. These questions are the first in the history of TTI to ask specifically about second-generation integration. Overall, Transatlantic Trends: Immigration is a comparative study of North American and European public opinion about immigration and integration issues. The focused nature of the survey allows for a close look at national immigration debates, while cross-country comparisons help to put national opinions against the backdrop of other migrant-receiving societies. Transatlantic Trends: Immigration is a joint project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Compagnia di San Paolo, and the Barrow Cadbury Trust, with additional support from the Fundación BBVA. Note on Terminology: In this survey we used the term "illegal immigrant," as opposed to "irregular" or "undocumented" migrant, to describe foreign citizens who enter, stay, and/or work in the country without the permission of the national government.
    T R A N S AT L A N T I C T R E N D S : I M M I G R AT I O N 2 0 1 0 | 3
    KEy FiNdiNgS OF ThE SurvEy iNCLudE: n Immigration as a Problem or an Opportunity: Perceptions of immigration as a problem or opportunity have showed little variance since 2008, the first year of the survey. Majorities in the United States, the U.K., and Spain still saw immigration as a problem, while French, German, Dutch, and Italian respondents remained divided. Canadians continued to see immigration as an opportunity. n Overestimation of Immigrant Numbers: Compared to 2009, even more respondents overestimated the percentage of population born abroad. Estimates rose in 2010 in the United States, with respondents believing 39% of the population was born abroad, up from 35% in 2009. The real figure is less than 14%. n Discontent with Immigration Policies: Most countries showed disapproval with government management of immigration. Majorities in the United States (73%), the U.K. (70%), Spain (61%), France (58%), and the Netherlands (54%) believed the government was doing a poor job in immigration management. Only Canada was split, with 48% offering positive views and 43% responding negatively. n Contact with Immigrants Impacts Perception: Of Europeans claiming to have many immigrant friends, 68% in 2010 believed immigration enriches national culture. Only 40% of Europeans with no immigrant friends thought likewise. n Economic Hardship and Attitudes: Among unemployed Europeans, 43% believed immigrants take jobs from natives; the average in Europe was 35%. In the United States, 63% of those whose financial situation worsened in 2010 saw immigrants as a threat in the job market jobs, more than the average of 56%. n Perceived Fiscal Burden: Overall, majorities or pluralities in all countries polled believed that immigrants benefit more from health and welfare services than they contribute in taxes. Spain and the United States had the highest proportion agreeing with this statement (both 67%).


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