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  • out-of-the-box

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    文档作者:Lenovo User
    How to Use 'ROI Score' to Prioritize Your Requirements
    A White Paper By:
    Accompa, Inc.
    5201 Great America Pkwy, Ste 320 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Email: info@accompa.com Website: http://www.accompa.com
    The contents of this document are confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
    2007-2008 Accompa, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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    ROI Score
    Prioritize Your Requirements Using ROI Score
    I. Problem:
    If your organization is like most, feature requests and requirements come to your team from many different sources. From customers, prospective customers, your sales and support teams, executives, partners, and more. At most organizations, the product manager (or a related position) prioritizes these requirements and creates the Requirements Document such as MRD or PRD. This document then guides the product development. Yet, most often the prioritization is done using ad-hoc methods and judgment calls – rather than a well-defined, systematic methodology. One of the most popular feature requests from our customers has been to help them prioritize their requirements using a systematic methodology.
    II. Solution:
    We have added a new feature to Accompa called "ROI Scores". This feature enables you to calculate a measure of Return on Investment (ROI) for each requirement taking into account its financial and non-financial benefits. We call this the "ROI Score". Once you calculate "ROI Score" for your requirements, you can then use this metric to prioritize your requirements for a given release or project.
    III. How to Use "ROI Score" Feature:
    There are 3 easy steps to use "ROI Score" feature effectively: 1. Define custom formula to calculate "ROI Score". 2. Enter data to calculate "ROI Scores" for your requirements. 3. Create one or more "Views" that use "ROI Score". We will now go through each of these steps in more detail.


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