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  • 原子与分子科学研究所

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    张焕正(Chang, Huan-Cheng)
    "Single-particle mass spectrometry of polystyrene microspheres and diamond nanocrystals", Y. Cai, W.-P. Peng, S.-J. Kuo, Y. T. Lee, and H.-C. Chang, Anal. Chem. 74, 232-238 (2002). "The size of interstellar nanodiamonds revealed by infrared spectra of CH on synthetic diamond nanocrystal surfaces", C.-F. Chen, C.-C. Wu, C.-L. Cheng, S.-Y. Sheu, and H.-C. Chang, J. Chem. Phys. 116, 1211-1214 (2002). "Calibration of an audio-frequency ion trap mass spectrometer", Y. Cai, W.-P. Peng, S.-J. Kuo, and H.-C. Chang, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 214, 63-73 (2002). "Optical detection and charge-state analysis of MALDI-generated particles with molecular masses larger than 5 Mda", Y. Cai, W.-P. Peng, S.-J. Kuo, S. Sabu, C.-C. Han, and H.-C. Chang, Anal. Chem. 74, 4434-4440 (2002). "On the first overtone spectra of protonated water clusters [H+(H2O)3-5] in the free-OH stretch region", C.-C. Wu, C. Chaudhuri, J. C. Jiang, Y. T. Lee, and H.-C. Chang, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., in press. "Hydrogen bond rearrangements and interconversions of H+(CH3OH)4H2O cluster isomers", J. C. Jiang, C. Chaudhuri, Y. T. Lee, and H.-C. Chang, J. Phys. Chem. A, in press. "Laboratory investigations of hydrogenated diamond surfaces by infrared spectroscopy: Implications for the formation and size of interstellar nanodiamonds", S.-Y. Sheu, I.-P. Lee, Y. T. Lee, and H.-C. Chang, Astrophys. J. 581, L55-L58 (2002). "Hydration-induced conformational changes of protonated 2,4-pentanedione in the gas phase", C.-C. Wu, C. Chaudhuri, J. C. Jiang, Y. T. Lee, and H.-C. Chang, Mol. Phys., in press. "Investigations of protonated and deprotonated water clusters using a low-temperature 22-pole ion trap", Y.-S. Wang, C.-H. Tsai, Y. T. Lee, H.-C. Chang, J. C. Jiang, O. Asvany, S. Schlemmer, and D. Gerlich, J. Phys. Chem. A, in press. "Ion trap mass spectrometry of fluorescently labeled nanoparticles", Y. Cai, W.-P. Peng, and H.-C. Chang, Anal. Chem., in press. "Laser-induced fluorescence/ion trap as a detector for mass spectrometric analysis of nanoparticles", W.-P. Peng, Y. Cai, Y. T. Lee, and H.-C. Chang, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., submitted.


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