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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    文档作者:Lenovo User
    Battery Safety – Issues and Prevention
    13 November 2003
    Battery Uodate 13 November 2003
    Key Issues
    Product Safety – Consumer safety is the #1 priority. Original Nokia batteries are safe to use Recent external studies on this issue Consumer Awareness - Nokia's activities to help consumers identify counterfeit batteries
    Battery Uodate 13 November 2003
    Battery Safety
    Battery safety comprised of:
    Battery Phone
    Three types of batteries are currently available for consumers
    Original Nokia batteries Batteries manufactured by third parties sold under own brand or no-brand
    Good or poor quality
    Counterfeit batteries
    Battery Uodate 13 November 2003
    Nokia Batteries Meet ALL International Safety Standards
    Original Nokia batteries are designed and manufactured to meet strict safety measures
    Very stringent requirements of the materials and insulations used Continuous control of the production and intensive product testing.
    Original Nokia batteries comply with all international standards, such as
    UL2054, UL1642, IEC 61960-1/2, IEC 60950, YD/T 998-1999 and GB/T 18287-2000
    Nokia original batteries are manufactured with:
    Thermal safety component or safety circuit Highest quality materials Correctly designed safety vent Clean, stable manufacturing process Suitable testing methods and criteria
    Battery Uodate 13 November 2003
    Recent Cases of Exploding Batteries
    ~ 30-40 cases globally of exploding non-original batteries (to 400 million Nokia mobile subscribers) Primary root cause of non-original battery failure is internal short circuit in the cell Vast majority of short circuits caused by "traumatic event" (i.e., dropping the phone) which jeopardizes integrity of poorly manufactured batteries Nokia investigates EVERY reported case of an exploding battery In each and every case, the battery in question has proved to be a non-original battery (either third-party or counterfeit) which did not include industrystandard safety measure


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