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    E-Learning Focus Groups Report
    April 2004
    By: Monica Dignam Monalco, Inc 3219 McKinley Blvd Milwaukee, WI 53208 (414) 273-0180 www.monalcoinc.com
    Under contract to HBO Systems, Inc www.hbosystems.com
    PAGE 1 OF 16
    E-Learning Core Group Members
    This report was written under the guidance and input of the E-Learning Core Group at the University of Iowa. Members of the Core Group include: Molly Langstaff, Academic Technologies, ITS, Chair Jim Duncan, Hardin Library of the Health Sciences Maggie Jessie, Henry B. Tippie College of Business Lisa Troyer, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Tom Rocklin, College of Education Phil Hill, HBO Systems, Inc
    The eLearning Assessment Project is an advisory group of University of Iowa faculty and staff, who are working to assess how colleges and faculty are currently using technology to support teaching and learning at the University of Iowa. As part of this assessment Monalco, Inc. was hired by the eLearning Assessment Core Group to conduct a series of focus groups among teaching staff to discuss how technology is and can be used to support teaching and learning at the University. Faculty, including tenure and tenure track, adjunct instructors and teaching assistants were invited to a series of groups held during late October and early November 2003. Seven groups were planned with faculty meeting the following criteria:
    1) Early adopters of eLearning among both tenure/tenure track and adjunct faculty 2) Moderate/New eLearning users among Teaching Assistants 3) Moderate/New eLearning users among tenure/tenure track faculty 4) Moderate/New eLearning users among other teaching faculty (adjunct faculty) 5) Tenure/tenure track faculty non-users 6) Teaching Assistant non-users 7) Adjunct faculty non-users
    The non-user groups were quite difficult to recruit through the primarily e-mail methodology employed by staff who were assigned to identify group participants. Despite urgings that telephone contact be employed to recruit the non-users, this method (telephone contact) was undertaken just one day in advance of the final groups, too late to significantly increase participation. Ultimately the fifth group (tenure track faculty nonusers) was cancelled, and groups six and seven were quite small, consisting of three and four participants respectively.


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