• 猪用免疫球蛋白 > 抗菌肽制剂对母猪初乳中免疫球蛋白水平的影响
  • 抗菌肽制剂对母猪初乳中免疫球蛋白水平的影响

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    抗菌肽制剂对母猪初乳中免疫 球蛋白水平的影响 Dietary Supplementation with Antimicrobial Peptides During Pregnancy and Lactation Increases Porcine Colostral Immunoglobulins and Total Proteins
    摘 要 抗菌肽是具有抗菌活性的一类短肽,是宿主天然防御的重要组成部分.目前很多研究致力于将其开发成传统抗生 素的替代品或食品添加剂.在前期研究中,我们观察到在孕期和哺乳期的母猪饮食中添加抗菌肽,包括LL-37,HBD-3和 PBD-1, 可以显著提高母猪初乳总蛋白和IgG的水平,从而降低了母猪死产率,提高了新生仔猪的存活率. 关键词 抗菌肽;免疫调剂;免疫球蛋白;初乳 ABSTRACT Antimicrobial peptides, as a significant component of innate immunity, have been explored as possible alternatives to conventional antibiotics or dietary supplementations. In the present study we demonstrate that dietary supplementation with AMPs, including LL-37, HBD-3 and PBD-1, during the gestation and lactation of sows significantly elevated colostral IgG and total proteins, which contributes to the increased survival rate of neonatal piglets and stillbirth reduction. KEYWORDS Antimicrobial Peptide; Immunoglobulin; Colostrum
    1 Introduction
    ntimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are evolutionarily conservedcomponentsoftheinnateimmunesystem that is the first line of protection in both invertebrate and vertebrate species. They exert broad-spectrum antimicrobialactivitiesagainstvariousmicroorganisms, includingbacteria,fungi,certainparasites,andviruses, both in vivo and in vitro. In addition to the direct antimicrobial effects,AMPs have been shown to be capable of inducing antigen-presenting cell (APC) activation and enhancing antigen-specific immune responses[1]-[3].Hence,AMPsareconsideredaspromising compoundsinthebattleagainstinfectiousdiseasesand antibioticresistance. Colostrumisthemajorsourceofnutrientsandmaternal immunological components for the neonates. The previous studies have shown that from 60% to 70% of the total porcine colostral protein is comprised of immunoglobulins (Igs) [4, 5]. Since the neonatal piglets can'tsynthesizeIgsduringthefirst3-4weeksafterbirth [4, 6] , colostrum intake is critical for boosting neonatal passiveimmunityandimprovingearlyneonatalsurvival. Wepreviouslyobservedthatadietarysupplementation


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