• 邻家有妹初长成后续 > 国台东大学儿童文学研究所硕士文
  • 国台东大学儿童文学研究所硕士文

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    国 台 东 大 学 儿 童 文 学 研 究 所 硕 士 文
    指导教授:文宝 先生
    研究生:郭足 撰
    中 华 民 国 九 十 五 月

    终於毕业,真好! 感谢教授们细心的指导与教诲 感谢同学们的互相扶携 感谢同事们的鼎相助 感谢家人的鼓
    研究生:郭足 国台东大学 儿童文学研究所
    文摘要 蔡宜容是台湾新生代的儿童文学作家之一,自从 1992 出版第一本改写作 品以,续出版儿童故事,儿童史小,以及翻译作品等,计已有十二 本作品问世.其担任诚品书局讲师期间,致将儿童文学介绍给者,期望 对台湾儿童文学贡献一份心. 本研究以蔡宜容创作作品为主要研究对象,各章章旨及其内容如下: 第壹章为「绪」 :阐述研究动机和目的,文献探讨,研究方法与进步骤, 研究范围与限制,呈现文整体的组织与架构. 第贰章为「蔡宜容与儿童文学」 :介绍蔡宜容的生平经及创作过程,儿童 文学观并将他的著作做一详分析与整. 第章为「蔡宜容的儿童故事」 :将蔡宜容三篇儿童故事依题材的型,主 题型与主题呈现,角色刻划与性别角色的呈现做一分与分析. 第肆章为「蔡宜容的儿童史小」 :将蔡宜容的二本儿童史小,依 史人物与性格,故事情节,主题,时代背景的表现手法做一详分析与整. 第伍章为「结」 :总结蔡宜容在儿童文学上的创作成果. 关键词:儿童文学,蔡宜容,儿童故事,儿童史小
    A study of the Works by Tsai Yi-Rong
    National Taitung University The Graduate Institute of Children′s Literature Guo,Jin-Zu Abstract Tsai Yi-Rong is one of the important contemporary writers in the history of Children's literature in Taiwan. Since her first rewriting work piece published in 1992, She had more than a dozen works brought to the market including children's stories, children's historical novels and translations of famous British children literature. Through Cheng-Pin book store's lecturer courses she brings general ideas of the world's most up-to-date children literature theory to local audience, which she wishes to devote herself to Taiwan children literature. This essay is mainly focusing on Tsai Yi-Rong's creation. The topics of each Chapter are: Chapter One: Instructions, showing the motive of research and goals, textbooks. Chapter Two: Tsai Yi-Rong and Children Literature - describing Tsai's life and how she start writing stories, her concept of writing stories and about Children's literature. Chapter Three: "Tsai's story for children" This chapter is to analyze and categorize Tsai's three children's story according to the factors of: subject matters, topics, topic appearance, character forming and character in gender distinction. Chapter Four: "Tsai's children's historical novels" This chapter discusses Tsai's two historical novel through the factors of historical figures and their characters, plots of the story, topics, background of the time and idiosyncrasy. Chapter Five: Conclusion—showing the result of this essay, describing the special parts of Tsai's stories, her achievement and contribution in the field of Children's literature. Keywords: Children's Literature ;Tsai Ying-Rong; Children's Story ; Children's Historical Novel


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