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  • "Rediscoveringthe

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    文档作者:Dawn Errede
    Published by Rachel Carson Middle School 13618 McLearen Road Herndon VA 20171
    The Carson Courier
    Volume 13, Issue 8
    "Rediscovering…the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in."
    from Rachel Carson's "A Sense of Wonder"
    April 2011
    Dear Rachel Carson Families: Teacher Appreciation Week is just around that proverbial corner (May 4 - 8) so I would encourage you to take a few minutes to personally thank your child's teachers for all they do. I have the pleasure of seeing our teachers in action every day and continue to be awed by the level of their expertise and commitment to the students of Rachel Carson. We are so fortunate! In the Student Services column of the newsletter you will find important information about the SOL testing schedule for May. We were very proud of the effort and sense of responsibility our students brought to the March testing and certainly expect that same level of commitment in the spring. All the testing advice you have been given since your children were small still applies: get a good night's sleep before the test; eat a healthy breakfast (protein is good "brain food"); arrive at school on time. Most importantly, remember that our teachers and students have been working hard throughout the year to address the SOL standards, so the children should be well prepared for the tests. Obviously, we still have many more days of teaching and learning ahead of us, so we would appreciate your continued partnership in helping us keep the focus on school. One way you can do that is to reinforce with your children the importance of making wise choices in dress. We try to help them understand that beach-like attire, tank tops, etc., do not belong at school and are distracting to the learning process. It takes a great deal of time and energy away from teachers and administrators to monitor what students are wearing on a daily basis. In addition, we are seeing an increase in the improper use of cell phones. Students who carry phones must keep them turned off and in their lockers throughout the day. We have witnessed students sharing text messages in class, phones ringing during the day, and calls without staff permission. Any student misusing these devices will lose their cell phone privileges. Your support is, as always, greatly appreciated and valued. I hope you all take time out of your busy schedules to enjoy the beautiful spring season. Sincerely, Augie Frattali Principal


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