台湾图书出版业文字编辑专业职能之研究 页 75~97
A Study on Professional Competency of Book Editors of Publishing Industry in Taiwan
应立志 Li-Chih Ying 中台科技大学行销管理系教授 Professor, Department of Marketing Management of Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology 陈淼胜 Miao-Sheng Chen 南华大学企业管理系教授 Professor, Department of Business Administration of Nanhua University 郑如 Ju–Ling Cheng 人类出版集团副总编辑 Deputy Editor in Chief, Human Thesaurus Group 潘美秋 Mei-Chiu Pan 南华大学企业管理系博士生 Ph.D. Student, Department of Business Administration, Nanhua University ———————————————————————————————————————— 【摘要 Abstract】 在过去并没有相关研究探讨文字编辑工作者需要哪些「专业职能」或「基本资格」以作 为甄选或培训之依据,因此本研究之目的如下: 一,了解出版业负责人及主管认为文字编辑应具备之专业职能. 二,了解文字编辑本身认为此职务应具备的专业职能. 三,分析出版业负责人及主管与文字编辑者间认为所需专业职能之差.
第六卷第一期 / 99 年 1 月
四,建构书籍文字编辑所应具备专业职能之考项目及其重要性之优先顺序. 本研究采用文献分析,深访谈,问卷调查之质并重的研究方法,首先汇整相关文 献,回顾学者的相关研究,并利用深访谈找出文字编辑之专业职能项目.藉此发展出图书 出版业的专业职能应含专业能,人际能,管能,人格特质四大构面,而各构面又包 含若干项目.再经专家学者意调查,从中建构出文字编辑专业职能的五十个重要项目.本 研究结合与实务,探讨图书出版业文字编辑的专业职能需求,提供出版业负责人,主 管,文字编辑者做为人资源规划与运用,并进一步为出版界提供研究考资. In the past, we have not found any research on the professional competency or qualifications about the book editors. The purposes of this paper are as follows: 1. to understand the professional competency of the book editors from the point of view of the publishing employers or editor-in-chiefs. 2. to understand the professional competence of the book editors from the point of view of book editors themselves. 3. to analyze the difference of the point of view between the publishing employers or editor-in-chiefs and the book editors. 4. to construct the priorities of the items of the professional competency of a book editor. This research adopts the methods of literature review, in-depth review, and questionnaire survey. Firstly, we summarize the related literatures and use indepth review to find the items of the professional competency of a book editor. And then we develop the four dimensions of the professional competency of a book editor. Those are profession abilities, interpersonal relationship abilities, management abilities, and personality characteristics. Via investigating the opinions of the specialists and scholars, we construct 50 items of the professional competency of book editors. This research combines theories and practices to explore the need of the professional competency of book editors. It can provide the results for the publishing owner, the executives, and book editors to plan in human resource management. 【关键词 Keyword】 图书出版业,文字编辑,专业职能 Publishing Industry; Book Editor; Professional Competency
- 图书出版业 > 台湾图书出版业文字编辑专业职能之研究
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