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    Release 1.0.2
    The openEHR Archetype Model
    Archetype Object Model
    Editors: T Bealea Revision: 2.0.2 Pages: 54 Date of issue: 20 Nov 2008 Status: STABLE
    a. Ocean Informatics
    Keywords: EHR, ADL, health records, archetypes, constraints EHR Extract EHR Demographic Integration Composition Security Common Data Types Support Template OM openEHR Archetype Profile Archetype OM ADL
    Data Structures
    2004-2008 The openEHR Foundation.
    The openEHR Foundation is an independent, non-profit community, facilitating the sharing of health records by consumers and clinicians via open-source, standards-based implementations. Founding Chairman Founding Members David Ingram, Professor of Health Informatics, CHIME, University College London Dr P Schloeffel, Dr S Heard, Dr D Kalra, D Lloyd, T Beale email: info@openEHR.org web: http://www.openEHR.org
    Archetype Object Model Rev 2.0.2
    Copyright Notice
    Copyright openEHR Foundation 2001 - 2008 All Rights Reserved 1. 2. 3. This document is protected by copyright and/or database right throughout the world and is owned by the openEHR Foundation. You may read and print the document for private, non-commercial use. You may use this document (in whole or in part) for the purposes of making presentations and education, so long as such purposes are non-commercial and are designed to comment on, further the goals of, or inform third parties about, openEHR. You must not alter, modify, add to or delete anything from the document you use (except as is permitted in paragraphs 2 and 3 above). You shall, in any use of this document, include an acknowledgement in the form: " Copyright openEHR Foundation 2001-2008. All rights reserved. www.openEHR.org" This document is being provided as a service to the academic community and on a non-commercial basis. Accordingly, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, the openEHR Foundation accepts no liability and offers no warranties in relation to the materials and documentation and their content. If you wish to commercialise, license, sell, distribute, use or otherwise copy the materials and documents on this site other than as provided for in paragraphs 1 to 6 above, you must comply with the terms and conditions of the openEHR Free Commercial Use Licence, or enter into a separate written agreement with openEHR Foundation covering such activities. The terms and conditions of the openEHR Free Commercial Use Licence can be found at http://www.openehr.org/free_commercial_use.htm


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