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  • Cisco Unified Communications Support for Microsoft Windows 7

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    备注:报告编号:29AA52 报告名称:2009-2012年中国冷冻饮品及食用冰制造行业发展前景分析及投资规划研究报告 咨询电话:4006128668、010-60877066、010-60877067、010-60877068 网址:http://www.20087.com/2009-12/R_2009_2012lengdongyinpinjishiyongbingBaoGao.html
    Product Bulletin
    Cisco Unified Communications Support for Microsoft Windows 7
    October 22, 2009, was the public release of Microsoft Windows 7.
    Cisco is committed to maintaining a high degree of interoperability between Cisco Unified Communications Solutions and Microsoft software. As part of this ongoing commitment, we already support Microsoft Windows 7 across many of our product lines. Across the software industry, the migration of software applications from a 32-bit architecture to a 64-bit architecture is taking place as 64-bit computer, driver, and operating system support becomes widespread. Cisco's evaluations of 32-bit Cisco Unified Communications desktop applications have not shown any significant loss in functions when running these applications in 64-bit Windows machines running in 32-bit emulation mode (WoW64, enabled in Windows by default). To avoid delays in the much-anticipated Cisco Unified Communications System Release 8.0, Cisco is maintaining our current release schedules and plans to gradually introduce Windows 7 as well as native 64bit support. Table 1 indicates the first-customer-shipment (FCS) dates for specific Cisco Unified Communications products with planned support of Microsoft Windows 7 on 32- and 64-bit machines. Support on 64-bit machines is either on WoW64 emulator mode or Native 64-bit mode, as noted in the table. Information is current as of May 2010. Table 1 will be updated as additional information such as maintenance or service release and native 64-bit support details becomes available. Please direct any questions to your local Cisco account team or channel representative.
    Table 1.
    Product Cisco Unified Business Attendant Console Cisco Unified Department Attendant Console Cisco Unified Enterprise Attendant Console Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant Cisco Unified TAPI TSP Client (including Wave Driver) Cisco Unified JTAPI Client Cisco Unified Communications Manager Windows Trace Collection Tool Cisco Unified Communications Manager AXL SDK Toolkit Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Token Advisory (CTL Client) Cisco Unified Communications Manager Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) Voice Log Translator Cisco Unified Application Environment Application Designer Cisco Unified Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) and Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise and Hosted (Administration Client, Internet Script Editor, and support tools)


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