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  • manic-depressive

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    39580 S. Lago del Oro Parkway Tucson, AZ 85739
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    A Newsletter from SIERRA TUCSON
    Winter 2007
    When my son turned 15, a personality transformation happened before my eyes. This once good-natured, happy-go-lucky boysuddenlybecameangry,sullen,rebellious,andamystery.Wheredidmysongo,andwhowasinhabitinghisbody As it would turn out, after several years of wondering, wrestling, and wringing of hands, we discovered that he was suffering from bipolar disease. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusualshiftsinaperson'smood,energy,andabilitytofunction. Unfortunately, what often comes hand-in-hand with this unwelcome disease is a high propensity towards addictive behaviors and substance abuse. Studies show that bipolar males are three times more likely to abuse alcohol and/or drugs than nonbipolarmales.Dauntingchallengesforayoungman.Armingmyselfwiththisinformationandgettingmysonthehelphe neededwasequallydaunting.Seeingmysonsuffer,abusevarioussubstances,getintroublewiththelawandexpelledfrom boardingschoolwasenoughtomakethismother'shearttroubled,sad,andutterlypowerless.
    Recipe by Chef Kevin A. Luft
    "Because of the smoked paprika, these potatoes are a great side dish when having a backyard BBQ." ~ Kevin A. Luft
    Add on my three other teenagers struggling with their own challenges of tumbling their way through adolescence, the divorceoftheirfatherandI,andthevariouschangesandgriefthataccompanythesecircumstances,andyou'vegotaripe set-up: many of us, myself included, chose the "easy" out of using alcohol or drugs to anesthetize the difficulties these transitionspresented. The daily Chardonnay (a sophisticated drink!) became my "ally and friend" as I was trying to be the strong one, help my childrenthroughthesechallengingtransitions,andcopewithmyown. MyoldestsonandImirroredoneanotherinmanyways.Wewerebothusingsomekindofexternalsubstancetokeepus "strong" and, in many ways, we were pulling it off. My son started and successfully runs his own business. I'm a couple's, family,andindividualtherapist;divorcemediator;andintegrallifecoach.Thealcoholanddenialwerestrongalliesand kepttheirdamagingeffectsinvisibletoournakedeyes. My wise, courageous 24-year-old son hit his high bottom first. After a drug and alcohol-induced stupor of a night on the streets of San Francisco (there were many of these), he called his father and I both the next morning. "Mom, I'm scared. Ilovemybusiness.Idon'twanttoloseit.Iwanttobeahusbandandfathersomeday,andIwanttobeagoodone.I'm afraidifIcontinueonthispath,I'llloseallofthis.Icouldn'tbearthat.Ineedhelp.IthinkI needtogotothatplace,Sierrasomethingthatyoutoldmeaboutseveralyearsago…andI WHAT'S INSIDE: needtogoNOW."


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