• dotatb是谁 > factory-approved
  • factory-approved

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2004-09-03   下载次数:0   点击次数:1
    could result in damage to the instrument, equipment or injury to personnel.
    All wiring must be completed before power is turned on to prevent electric
    shock, fire or damage to instrument and equipment.
    This instrument must be used in accordance with the specifications to
    prevent fire or damage to instrument and equipment.
    This instrument is not intended for use in locations subject to flammable or
    explosive gases.
    Do not touch high-voltage connections such as power supply terminals, etc.
    to avoid electric shock.
    RKC is not responsible if this instrument is repaired, modified or
    disassembled by other than factory-approved personnel. Malfunction can
    occur and warranty is void under these conditions.
    IMR01N02-E6 i-2
    This is a Class A instrument. In a domestic environment, this instrument may cause radio
    interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
    This instrument is protected from electric shock by reinforced insulation. Provide
    reinforced insulation between the wire for the input signal and the wires for instrument
    power supply, source of power and loads.
    Be sure to provide an appropriate surge control circuit respectively for the following:
    - If input/output or signal lines within the building are longer than 30 meters.
    - If input/output or signal lines leave the building, regardless the length.
    This instrument is designed for installation in an enclosed instrumentation panel. All
    high-voltage connections such as power supply terminals must be enclosed in the
    instrumentation panel to avoid electric shock by operating personnel.
    All precautions described in this manual should be taken to avoid damage to the
    instrument or equipment.
    All wiring must be in accordance with local codes and regulations.
    All wiring must be completed before power is turned on to prevent electric shock,


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