• whocanitbe > wwwmentorkidsorg
  • wwwmentorkidsorg

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    文档作者:Jennifer Wallace
    150 Motor Parkway, LL 90 Hauppauge, NY 11788 Ph: 631-761-7800/ Fax: 631-761-7803 www.mentorkids.org The Mentoring Partnership is pleased to be able to bring to you a newly developed Resource Guide assembled for mentoring program participants: Discovering the Possibilities: "C" ing Your Future This Guide was made possible thanks to generous grants from the Citigroup Foundation and from the office of US Representative Steve Israel (CD 2), whose ongoing support of mentoring has been invaluable. It was developed by Cindy Sturtevant Borden, a mentoring consultant. We would like to acknowledge Cindy for her efforts in producing this excellent guide, which has organized available college and career planning resources in a way that can be used and enjoyed by mentors and mentees. We hope that this new tool will give young people who may not otherwise be surrounded by a college culture, a chance to devote more time to imagining their future and to see the possibility of going to college as part of that future. The activities that are featured in each section offer mentors an opportunity to address typical challenges to career and college planning. With this tool, mentors can: Open new doors and explore possibilities for careers that may not have been considered by their mentee Help their mentee overcome fears or false impressions about attending college Fill the void experienced by many youth for information and resources that can help them be successful in planning for college
    We hope this guide will help you to help many students reach higher and aspire beyond any self limiting beliefs so that they may realize their full potential. The following Introduction for Mentors will give you an overview of how this Guide is organized and how the modules can be completed.
    Franca Floro Director of Training
    Mary Beth
    Mary Beth Guyther Director of Development
    Jean Lahage Cohen Executive Director


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