• letmeshowyou > ducati860@gmailcom
  • ducati860@gmailcom

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    May 2008 MaUsE DoubleClick*
    May is the very best time to visit Monster Island ! Let me show you around !
    The Return to Monster Island !
    *Hastily Written, Poorly Edited, Practically Unreadable
    2007 MaUsE Executive
    President: Michael Shaw ducati860@gmail.com Vice President: Aaron Vegh aaron@vegh.ca Apple Liaison: Bruce Cameron rbcameron@rogers.com Treasurer: John Kettle hjke@pteron.org Logistics: Chris Greaves cgreaves@i-zoom.net Publicity Director: Jim Danabie
    From The Editor
    What you are looking at is the Monster Island May 08 edition of the MaUsE DoubleClick newsletter from the Macintosh Users East, (MaUsE), a motley collection of mostly harmless cranks who reside in Southern Ontario with their motley collection of old and new Macintosh computers. The May 2008 DoubleClick is published using a 2.8 GHz Aluminum iMac and Quark XPress 7.3. A Kodak DX7590 is used for all pictures. Everything not specifically attributed to someone else can be blamed on me. Back issues can be downloaded from the website. Submissions from MaUsE Club members are almost always welcome. Send articles to me at , especially if there are files or pictures attached. I have never refused a submission yet. There is always room for another piece on ANY Mac-related topic and I'll make room if there isn't. I would like your submissions. But I won't beg. Apple, Macintosh, and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The MaUsE (Macintosh Users East) is an independent Mac user group and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved of by Apple Computer, Inc. Its very much like they dont even know we exist. Shhhh.
    Meeting Notice
    The next MaUsE Meeting will be held on the evening of May 28th at 7:00 P.M. at the Whitby Public Library on the southeast corner of Hwy. 2 and Henry Street in Whitby. Come a half-hour earlier if you have software or hardware issues and want to get help. The Meeting is open to the public but only paid-up MaUsE members in attendance will receive raffle tickets for the items raffled at this meeting. There will be some interesting prizes including copies of some of the programs presented in this issue.


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