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  • 沪江英语出品

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    沪江英语出品 www.hjenglish.com 版权所有
    Growing Pains 111
    mike: And he's tearing up the board folks, this man cannot be stopped! Alright give me your best shot here Carol, I feel hot, I feel ready. carol: Ok. Ha ha ha! What nineteen fifty seven, Roger Coreman film, starred Pamela Duncan and Richard Garland mike: What are they serious carol: Aha. mike: "Attack of the Crab Monsters". Come on, give me a hard question Carol. carol: I don't believe it. mike: Oh wow, Carol! You remember this song (song on the radio plays) carol: Oh yeah! Mom and Dad used to play this to us all the time when we were little! mike: Yeah! remember what we used to do (Mike and Carol sing and dance together) ben: I hope this isn't hereditary. maggie: Hey guys report cards came! carol: Oh yeah! Report cards came! maggie: Yeah. Here's yours. jason: Maggie, we have a child who actually likes getting report cards; where did we go wrong carol: I don't even know why I'm so nervous...I mean I already know what I got...Yep A, A, A, A, A, A....woooo!!! jason: Woooo!! maggie: Oh, that's great sweetie. Mike! maggie: C, C, C, C, C....D, B. jason: Well he did get one B. Phys Ed maggie: You got it. What drives me crazy is that... jason: I know. He's not dumb. maggie: In first and second grade he got B's and B pluses. jason: Well that was before Carol came along and started getting all A's...the nerve! maggie: Yeah. jason: Well at least he had two great years. That's better than that poor guy a couple of Popes ago. maggie: Jason! jason: Maggie, maybe we're being a little too hard on him, you know not all kids have to get A's. maggie: But for the last couple of years it's been getting worse. Well that's what puberty's for; you take a difficult situation and you make it impossible. maggie: Where you been Mike mike: Oh, I thought I'd go look for Duke. jason: Mike, Duke ran away six months ago. mike: So!
    沪江英语出品 www.hjenglish.com 版权所有
    沪江英语出品 www.hjenglish.com 版权所有 jason: And he wasn't our dog.


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