Imposition of Special Measures for Import into the EU of Feed and Food Products from Japan
April 06, 2011
Dear Customer, Following the recent events in Japan the European Commission has established special measure for feed or food products ( incl. fish and fishery products ) which originate or are consigned from Japan and destined for the European Union (EU). The regulation requires that feed and food products, which leave Japan on or after March 28th shall be accompanied by a declaration, signed by the appropriate Japanese authorities, attesting that : ■ The product has been harvested and / or processed before March 11, 2011. ■ The product is originating from a prefecture other than Fukushima, Gunma, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Miyagi, Yamagata, Niigata, Nagano, Yamanashi, Saitama, Tokyo and Chiba; or ■ In instances where the cargo does originate from one of the aforementioned prefectures it does not contain levels of the radionuclide's iodine-131, caesium-134 and caesium-137 above the maximum levels provided for in various Council and Commission Regulations. This shall be confirmed in an "analytical report" that must accompany the declaration. Each consignment of Japanese origin feed and food products shall be identified by means of a code which shall be indicated on the declaration, the analytical report (where required), the sanitary certificate and on "any commercial documents accompanying the consignment". This documentation must be presented at least two ( 2 ) working days prior to the physical arrival of cargo in the EU by the cargo interests to the appropriate national authorities in the respective EU state acting as Border Inspection Post ( BIP ) or the Designated Point of Entry ( DPE ) as defined in the EU legislation regarding food imports and food safety. Responsibility to ensure that the certification is sourced and provided to the appropriate authorities in Japan and the respective EU countries lies with the respective shippers, consignors and importers of the cargo.