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    Friday, August 13, 2010
    To advertise, call (860) 628-9645
    Good Times
    Our Night on the Town
    Acoustic musician Sara Watkins featured
    30 years of English Beat...page 15 Pop star joins the circus...page 18 Swimsuits, Miss CT-style...page 20
    'Prairie Home Companion' rolls out tour of 'Summer Love'
    Singer, songwriter, fiddle player Sara Watkins is taking a detour this summer… a detour to love. Watkins is part of the cast of "Prairie Home Companion's" Summer Love Tour, featuring host Garrison Keillor. The Summer Love Tour rolls into Ives Concert Park in Danbury on Wednesday, Aug. 18. The tour of the popular radio program, which is broadcast locally on WNPR 90.5 FM, focuses on the theme of romantic love. Press materials say the show will be "jam-packed with tender duets and ballads, poetry (Poe, Shakespeare, Anonymous), and stories of passion and marriage — not to mention Mr. Keillor's intermission walk through the audience for the sing-along of 'Unchained Melody' and 'Can't Help Falling in Love with You.'" (The tour will not be a part of any radio broadcasts.) Before launching a solo career, Sara had been a member of the acoustic trio Nickel Creek… joining that group when she was 8. (Nickel Creek is currently on hiatus.) This won't be the first time Sara has been with the "Prairie Home Companion" family. She performed on the radio broadcast four or five times already. And the idea of performing duets is not a first for her other. She sang several on the show during her appearances. "I'm a big fan," said Sara of "Prairie Home Companion." "I love Garrison's singing," said sara. "It's a brand name… It's consistency… is a big part of it's appeal," Sara said. Sara's participation in the Summer Love Tour was set into motion when Keillor emailed her, asking whether she was interested. Sara said the idea of the show was to feature duets. But Keillor was still searching for a hook to hang the duets on. That's when the idea of


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