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  • enhancing visual analysis of network traffic using a ...

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Enhancing Visual Analysis of Network Traffic Using a Knowledge Representation
    Ling Xiao* John Gerth* Pat Hanrahan*
    Stanford University
    ABSTRACT This paper presents a network traffic analysis system that couples visual analysis with a declarative knowledge representation. The system supports multiple iterations of the sense-making loop of analytic reasoning by allowing users to save discoveries as they are found and to reuse them in future iterations. We will show how the knowledge representation can be used to improve both the visual representations and the basic analytical tasks of filtering and changing level of detail. We will describe how the system can be used to produce models of network patterns, and show results from classifying one day of network traffic in our laboratory. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.6.9 [Visualization] information visualization, H.5.0 [Information Interfaces and Presentation] general. Keywords: network traffic visualization, visual analysis 1 INTRODUCTION
    Figure 1. The analysis cycle supported by the system. (1) The analyst uses visualization enhanced with previous knowledge to discover patterns in the data. (2) Once a pattern is discovered, the analyst creates a model for the pattern. (3) The analyst commits the model into the knowledge base to reuse in future analysis.


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