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    Redline Networks Command Line Reference for Version 4.1
    Copyright 2005 Redline Networks, Inc. Redline Networks and The Redline Symbol are registered trademarks of Redline Networks, Inc. Deploy and Enjoy, 3G Cache, OverDrive, E|X and T|X are trademarks of Redline Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Outlook Web Access (OWA) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other products and services mentioned in this publication are the trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered servicemarks of their respective owners. Document Version: 1.04 Redline Networks 655 Campbell Technology Parkway #250 Campbell, CA 95008
    +1 408.369.3800 www.RedlineNetworks.com
    REDLINE NETWORKS :: Command Line Reference
    About This Document
    This manual provides a complete reference for the Web I/O Accelerator Command Set. This document applies to all E|X Enterprise Application Processor and T|X Web I/O Processor product models. Where differences exist between the commands available in the E|X product vs. the T|X product, these differences are explicitly called out.
    This document assumes that the reader has knowledge of the network architecture or topology in which the Redline Networks' E|X or T|X will be installed. This documentation is intended for network engineers, web operations engineers, IT professionals and system administrators who have experience with the following: Installing, configuring and administering network equipment Managing web traffic and connectivity
    The following conventions were used in this manual:
    Meaning and Use
    Courier typeface Bold Courier typeface Italics Bold Italics
    .ini file install
    Code Listings, names of files, symbols, and directories, are shown in Courier typeface. In a command line, keywords are shown in bold, non-italic, Courier typeface. Enter them exactly as shown. Notes about the subject are shown with a header in italics. Important information about the subject is shows with the header in bold Italics. This information should not be ignored. You may, but need not, select one item enclosed within brackets. Do not enter the brackets. You must provide the information enclosed within brackets. Do not enter the brackets. You may select one (but not more than one) item from a list separated by bars. Do not enter the bars.


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