• dmdownload什么意思 > 数字馆藏管理软件CONTENTdm
  • 数字馆藏管理软件CONTENTdm

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    Beijing, China September 8th, 2009
    CONTENTdm 5 Digital Collection Management Software 数字馆藏管理软件CONTENTdm 5
    Shu-En Tsai Executive Director, Asia Pacific Services OCLC Asia Pacific OCLC亚太地区执行主管 蔡淑恩女士
    What is CONTENTdm 什么是CONTENTdm
    A complete software solution 完整的软件解决方法 Stores, manages and provides access for all digital collections 储存,管理并提供对所有数字馆藏的存取 For organizations of all types and sizes 给各种类型及规模的组织使用 academic libraries, public libraries, historical societies, museums, state libraries, cultural heritage organizations and others 科研图书馆,公共图书馆,历史团体,博物馆,文化遗产组织及其他 Standards-based for staff efficiencies and cost effectiveness Dublin Core, JPEG2000, OAI Harvesting, PHP API and more 标准可提高工作人员效率,降低成本等
    Showcases a wide range of media types photos and documents to audio and video files 展示多种媒体类型,照片,文件及影音视频文件
    Examples(例子): www.oclc.org/contentdm/collections/
    Items of all types: images, maps, drawings, text, diaries, audio, video and more…. 各种类型文件:图像,地图,绘画,文本,日记,音频视频……
    CONTENTdm 5 – milestone release 里程碑式新功能发布
    Full support of Unicode provides access to digital collections in any language 完成支持Unicode,以任何语言提供对数字馆藏的存取
    New search capabilities for end users新的检索功能
    Same features found in WorldCat.org - supported by FIND search engine WorldCat.org里的一些功能——支持FIND检索引擎 Outstanding value—No charge to current users, no price increase
    杰出的价值——对现在的用户免费,不涨价 Sets foundation for future enhancements that will continue to further CONTENTdm's use as the leading digital repository platform 为未来功能升级打下基础将继续加强CONTENTdm作为依靠的数字存储平台的使用
    The end-user experience…searching and browsing your digital collections 最终用户体验:检索并浏览电子馆藏
    Find search engine 检索引擎
    Runs WorldCat 运行WorldCat
    Robust capacity and advanced features 强大的容量和先进功能 Relevancy sorting 相关度排序
    Search results ranked by relevancy to search term(s)
    检索结果按照与检索词的相关度进行排序 Searching all fields AND specific fields in combination
    Faceted searching Unicode support


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