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    PHP 101 An Introduction to PHP 5
    Rob Richards
    http://xri.net/=rob.richards www.cdatazone.org
    What Is PHP
    Loosely typed
    Variables can be of any type Variables set by context Functions can return different types
    Dynamic Language
    Dynamic typing Run time code modification Interpretation vs compilation
    C# .NET Example
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("root"); doc.AppendChild(root); XmlElement child = doc.CreateElement("child"); root.AppendChild(child); XmlText textnode = doc.CreateTextNode("childcontent"); child.AppendChild(textnode); Console.Write(doc.OuterXml);
    PHP Example
    $doc = new DOMDocument(); $root = $doc->CreateElement("root"); $doc->AppendChild($root); $child = $doc->CreateElement("child"); $root->AppendChild($child); $root = $doc->CreateTextNode("childcontent"); $child->AppendChild($root); echo $doc->saveXML();
    What Is PHP
    Cross Platform Supports numerous types of Web servers Typically run on Web server Also used for command line scripting (CLI) Supports development of cross platform GUI applications (PHP-GTK)
    History of PHP
    1994 Personal Home Page Created by Rasmus Lerdorf Track Online Resume
    History of PHP
    1995 PHP/FI version 2 Personal Home Page / Forms Interpreter Growing needs of web pages mSQL support Open Source
    History of PHP
    1997 PHP 3 PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Parser re-written by Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski needed more for an e-commerce application language was extendable
    History of PHP
    1999/2000 PHP 4 Core re-write Powered by Zend Engine 1.0 Handle more complex applications Improve modularity of PHP core Support for numerous databases and web servers
    History of PHP
    2004 PHP 5 Zend Engine 2 New Object Model Better XML and Web service support Better database support Other miscellaneous changes
    The Future of PHP
    PHP 5.3 (Early 2008)


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