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  • Acknowledgements

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    Joomla! 1.5 Installation Manual
    Author: Andy Wallace Joomla! User Documentation Team Version 0.5 30 October 2007
    Acknowledgements & License
    I would like to pay tribute to the Developers for their continued efforts in putting together the remarkable Content Management System that is Joomla! 1.5. Furthermore, the same tribute is to be paid to the many other Work Group members, past and present, who have played their part in getting Joomla! to where it is today. The tribute also goes out to all the everyday Joomla! Community members who have played their part in testing, reporting issues and, more importantly, workable solutions to the Project. Finally,I would like to single out a couple of people who have made the work on the User Documentation Team possible for the 1.5 release: Chad McKissick and Leandro Bergantios without whom the work would be further behind than it already is! Amy Stephen for some last minute reading and suggestions.
    This document is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
    Additional License Rider
    I am happy for the document to be translated. I am happy for the document to be used on Community, Translation, and other NFP (not for profit) Web sites that utilise Google Ads or similar, to fund their Web sites or other Joomla! related activities. I am happy for the document to be sold in printed hard copy or reproduced on other media such as CD's or DVD's provided it is only the cost of the media and materials that are charged for, and not the original work itself, any translations, or any amendments that may have been carried out upon it, whilst ensuring this license and these riders are always reproduced in full. Andy Wallace
    We would appreciate any constructive feedback on this document. Please let us have your Suggestions, Corrections, or Modifications in the forum. Or send me (humvee) a personal message from the forums. Documentation the same as the Joomla! Project as a whole is an evolutionary process, so if you have ideas let us know about them. If you would like to contribute in some way then again use the forum or PM me.


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