On Standard Management Technology for Major Engineering Projects in China
何继善 2009-12-14
Main content
重大工程规范化管理技术 重大工程规范化管理案例 重大工程管理发展趋势 重大 程管 发展趋势
Standard management technology for major engineering projects
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects
Major engineering project management development trends
1.引言 引
科学是运用范畴,定理,定律等思维形式反映现实世界各种现象的本质和规律的 知识体系.
Science refers to the knowledge system reflecting the nature and rule of phenomena of real world using forms of thinking such as category, theorem and law.
Technology refers to the specific method for achieving a specific goal through environmental transformation. transformation
1.引言 引
工程是人类为了生存和发展,实现特定的目的,运用科学和 工程是人类为了生存和发展 实现特定的目的 运用科学和 技术,有组织地利用资源,所进行的造物或改变事物性状的 集成性活动,工程具有技术集成性和产业相关性. "Engineering" is an integrated activity to create things or change their properties / forms for mankind's specific purposes that is his survival and development, purposes, through the application of science and technology and collective utilization of resources. Engineering,in general, is technology integrated and industry relevant. l i t h l i t t d di d t l t
1.引言 引
技 术
科 学
工 程
1.引言 引
Engineering Management
工程管理是对工程所进行的决策,计划,组织,指 工程管理是对工程所进行的决策 计划 组织 指 挥,协调与控制.一般来说,工程管理具有系统性,综合 性,复杂性. Engineering project management involves project decision-making, planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, coordinating and controlling, which is in general controlling is, general, characteristic of systematizability, comprehensibility and complexity.
工程管理对社会经济发展的影响 1
提高投资效益, 促进经济增长
Improve investment efficiency and promote economic growth
The i impacts of project management on socio-economic development f j i i
搭建创新平台, 推动科技进步
Build an innovative platform to promote progress in science and technology
保持工程理性 发展,实现社 会和谐发展
Attain sustainable engineering development and d l d achieve harmonious development of society
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 常用的工程管理技术
Commonly used engineering management technology 目标控制
Objective control
Q Quality management y g
调查表法,分层法,排列图法,因果分析图,直方图法,控制图 法,相关图法等
Survey method, hierarchical method, Pareto Law, causal analysis diagram, histogram , control chart, relevant figure law, etc
Cost management
Earned value analysis techniques target costing, activity-based costing, flexible techniques, costing activity based costing marginal costing, etc
Schedule management
Network planning techniques, process operation technology, chart control , banana curve , etc t
Risk management
风险坐标图,蒙特卡罗方法,关键风险指标管理,压力测试,事 故树分析法等
Risk plot, Monte Carlo methods, management of key risk indicators, stress testing, p , , g y , g, fault tree analysis, etc
Scope management
Work breakdown structure (WBS), etc
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 规范化管理技术的提出背景
Background for establishing the standard management technology for f major engineering projects j i i j
●工程建设规模和技术难度越来越大,理论界和工程界不断探索工程管理新思路和新方法. Constantly expanding scale of engineering projects with increasing technical difficulties requires exploring more and more new ideas and new methods from both theoretical and engineering communities. ●缺乏完善的管理技术和标准体系,过多强调"计划"而忽视"控制",项目"执行力"不足, 影响了管理效率. Lacking of proper management techniques and standard systems and emphasizing too much "planning" but ignoring "controlling" , compounded with weak "project execution and implementation", reduces management efficiency greatly. ●重大工程涉及面广,技术复杂,参与各方能力参差不齐,管理难度大,需要研制一整套管理技 ●重大工程涉及面广 技术复杂 参与各方能力参差不齐 管理难度大 需要研制一整套管理技 术和标准体系. To meet the challenges of engineering and technological complexities, varying capabilities of all the parties involved and tough management tasks, we have to develop a whole set of powerful and workable management techniques and standards for major engineering projects in China.
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 规范化管理技术的核心内容
Core contents of standard management technology
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 程序化管理技术内涵
Connotation of the program management
明确管理工作中具体事务的完成内容,落实时间,单位,部门 ,人员,并明确相关权限和责任,运用流程管理与精细化管理理 论,提炼出切实可行,操作便捷的工作程序,并按一定的规则固 论 提炼出切实可行 操作便捷的工作程序 并按一定的规则固 化下来,形成工程建设的管理流程和工作标准.
Specify clearly the contents of the specific tasks and the time schedules to be completed in the management work for an engineering project, and assign them to all the parties involved, every departments and individual employees with clearly defined authorities, authorities duties and responsibilities and apply the business process management responsibilities, and meticulous management to identify enforceable and easy-to-work procedures and establish them in accordance with relevant regulations as the management processes and working standards for engineering projects.
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 程序化管理技术特点
Features of the program management
严格界定各项管理工作的流程,形成一整套涵盖建设管理全过程和各项工作 的程序化文件; 作为建设管理标准和工作指南,确保合同化管理内容的按期,按质,按量完 成; 管理流程的规范性与项目管理的灵活性相结合,避免管理流程的僵化; 有利于新技术与新工艺在不同的工程环境中广泛推广与应用,显著提高科技 成果转化效率. 成果转化效率
Define clearly various management procedures and establish a set of programmed documents covering the entire project management process and all tasks; Being project management standards and working guidelines, ensure that the contents of contract i j i i i f management can be completed in accordance with the schedule, quality and workload as required ; Combine the standardization of management procedures with the flexibility of project management to avoid rigid management procedures ; Promote their applications in various engineering projects in different engineering environments and thus improve the transition efficiency from scientific and technological achievements to products.
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 格式化管理技术内涵
Connotation of the format management
参与项目建设的业主,设计,施工,监理,监督单位的相互业 务关系的最终成果基本上采用表格来反映,达到统一标准,统一 格式,统一管理的目标,用格式化工作语言固化管理职能,优化 格式 统 管理的目标 用格式化工作语言固化管理职能 优化 管理流程,提高管理效率,实现管理创新.
The business relationships among all the participants of the project including the owners, designers, the parties of construction, supervision and monitoring, and their final achievements can be basically displayed by various forms to achieve the goal of unified standard, unified format and unified management, using formatted working language to specify management functions, optimize management processes, improve management efficiency and achieve management innovations.
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 格式化管理技术特点
Features of the format management
依据精细化管理理论,以表格的方式将工程项目各项管理工作细化与量 化,做到各工作单元的合理衔接,明确各单元的管理内容与管理责任; 在合同 管 和程序 管 的基 在合同化管理和程序化管理的基础上,形成建设管理工作手册和实用表 ,形成建设管 作手册和实用表 格,具有指导性和可操作性; 规范的表格形式为科研成果的应用提出了更高的要求,为技术创新的成 果推广与运用提供了人性化的环境,降低了技术创新的风险.
Based on meticulous management theory, detailize and quantify all the project management tasks to achieve reasonable engagement of all the work units through designing various forms to define their management contents and responsibilities clearly; On the basis of contract management and programme management, prepare relevant management handbooks and practical forms with guidability and enforceability; Standardized forms require higher standards for applications of scientific research results and provide a more people-oriented environment for promotion and application of people oriented technological innovation results and thus reduce the risks of technological innovation.
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 合同化管理技术内涵
Connotation of the contract management
传统合同管理的延伸与升华,是在工程招投标之前制 定各种管理制度和办法,并将其纳 合同专用条款强制 定各种管理制度和办法,并将其纳入合同专用条款强制 执行,提高管理制度的法律约束力.
Contract management mentioned here is an extension and upgrading of traditional contract management, that is, establish relevant management systems and methods before project bidding and tendering which are tendering, integrated into specific terms of the contract for enforcement to strengthen their legal binding force.
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 合同化管理技术特点
Features of the contract management
系统工程 合同管理和项目 管理的有机结合
Organic integration of contact management and project management System engineering
Key point control
合同化管理 技术特点 Characteristics
公平,公正,合理 经济责任考核
Economic responsibility assessment
Whole process management
Fair, just, reasonable
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 信息化管理技术内涵
Connotation of the IT management
以实现工程项目目标为目的,根据目标管理内容和理念,将现代信息技 术嵌入工程项目的建设方式,业务流程,管理方式与组织方式中,并且开 发出一套工程项目信息处理软件与项目管理信息平台相结合的系统,实现 对工程项目从招投标至项目竣工决算全过程的规范化,智能化,科学化管 理,加速工程项目信息的传递速度,提高工作效率,从而提高项目管理水 平,加强对项目的执行控制力度.
In order to achieve engineering project objectives, advanced information technology is integrated into the project implementation, business processes, management and organization, in accordance with the contents and concepts of management by objectives, g , p g y j , with the aid of the development of a system combining a set of project information processing software with a project management information platform to realize the standardized and intelligized scientific management of the whole project process from tendering, bidding to p g, p project y completion accounting, to improve the p j information communication efficiency and work efficiency so as to improve project management and strengthen the project execution and implementation capacity.
Standard management technology for major engineering projects 信息化管理技术特点
Features of the IT management
涉及到整个项目,信息化管理的策划工作需要由公司领导牵头,全体 项目管理人员直接或间接的参与. 加强组织与制度建设,保证信息化管理实施的软硬件条件,在试运行 良好的基础上向项目全线推广. 实时了解信息化管理的现状与问题,不断提高信息化管理系统的合理 性和实效性.
Related to the entire project, IT management planning requires the leadership of senior management and directly or indirectly involvement of all management staff. staff Strengthen organizational and institutional construction, ensure the implementation of IT management hardware and software conditions. Apply it further to the whole project on the basis of good trial results. Know the status quo and problems of the Real time IT management to Real-time constantly improve the rationality and effectiveness of IT management system.
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects
Programme management in Qinshan 2 Nuclear Power Plant Project
广州珠江黄埔大桥项目的格式化管理 青藏铁路项目的合同化管理 三峡工程的信息化管理
Format management in Guangzhou Pearl River Huangpu Bridge Project
Contract management in Qinghai-Tibet Railway Project
IT management in Three Gorges Project g g j
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 秦山二期核电站及扩建工程概况
Overview of Qinshan 2 Nuclear Power Plant Project
秦山二期核电站,是我 国首座自主设计,自主建造, 自主管理,自主运营的2×65 自主管理 自主运营的2×65 万千瓦商用压水堆核电站 .
Qinshan 2 Nuclear Power Qi Plant is China's first self- designed, self-built, self-managed and selfope ed commercial pressurized operated co e c p essu ed water reactor nuclear power plant of 2 × 650,000 kilowatts.
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 秦山二期核电站及扩建工程程序化管理
Programme management in Qinshan 2 Nuclear Power Plant and the expansion project
秦山二核建立健全了组织机构,管理 程序和保障体系,在核安全监管,质量保 证,环境保护,辐射防护,工业安全,职 业卫生,消防和应急管理等领域实现全覆 盖,严格执行事前,事中,事后的监督和 管理.
Organization, management procedures and O i ti t d d security systems have been established and improved in Qinshan 2 project, covering the nuclear safety supervision, quality assurance, environmental protection, radiation protection, industrial safety, occupational health, fire and emergency management, with strict implementation of all-time monitoring and management.
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 秦山二期核电站及扩建工程程序化管理
Programme management in Qinshan 2 Nuclear Power Plant and the expansion project
为适应生产运营和基建的双重需要,秦山二核还专门推行管理年活动,建立和完善以程序 为适应生产运营和基建的双重需要 秦山二核还专门推行管理年活动 建立和完善以程序 化为核心的管理体系,进一步提高企业经营管理水平,为建设国际先进核电站提供制度保 障. 重新编制或修订了PQOM(生产质量管理手册)中的301份程序 创新编写了用于扩建工程管理的BQOM(建造质量管理手册) 创新编写了WQOM(工作质量管理手册)PQOM,BQOM和WQOM共同组成CQOM(公 司质量管理手册),构成了秦山二核完整的程序化管理体系. 司质量管理手册) 构成了秦山二核完整的程序化管理体系
To meet the requirements of both production operation and infrastructure construction, special efforts have been made to establish and improve the management system with programmatization as its core, further improved the level of enterprise management, and provided a system guarantee for building an internationally advanced nuclear power plant. Recompiled or revised 301 programs in PQOM (Production Quality Operation Manual); Newly compiled BQOM (Construction Quality Operation Manual) for expansion project management Newly N l compiled WQOM (Work Q lit O il d (W k Quality Operation M ti Manual) PQOM BQOM and WQOM together form l) PQOM, d t th f CQOM (Company Quality Operation Manual) which constituted a complete management system for Qinshan 2.
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 广州珠江黄埔大桥建设项目概况
Overview of Guangzhou Pearl River Huangpu Bridge Project 黄埔大桥项目构造物多,技术 复杂,施工难度大,科技含量高, 是公路工程的典型代表,是公路建 设的实物博物馆. 珠江黄埔大桥是广东省内规模 最大的桥梁. Huangpu Bridge Project is a typical representative of highway construction, characterized by numerous constructs, complex t t l technology, difficult construction and high technological contents. Pearl River Huangpu Bridge is the largest bridge in Guangdong.
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 广州珠江黄埔大桥格式化管理
Format management in Guangzhou Pearl River Huangpu Bridge
清晰地界定业主,监理,施工三 方在公路工程建设活动中的职责和业 务范围,提出了1400多张公路工程建 设管理业务表格,应用于公路工程建 设的各个业务环节,对规范公路建设 管理活动具有重要作用.
Clearly defined the duties and responibilies, and business scopes of the owner, supervision party and construction party in the highway construction activities, and made 1,400 copies of highway construction management business forms used in various business areas in highway construction, playing an important construction role in standardizing highway construction management.
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 广州珠江黄埔大桥格式化管理
Format management in Guangzhou Pearl River Huangpu Bridge (1)工程建设业务格式化管理
Engineering construction business format management 建设项目申报格式
Project application and report format
Contract management format
Safety supervision format
Project bidding management format
Project quality management format
Project progress supervision format
Project fund supervision format
Party A's materials supply management format
land acquisition and demolition management format
Scientific research management format
Design & Consulting Management Format
Excellence assessment format
Project document management format
Completion accounts management Format
IT management format
竣(交)工验收管理格式 竣(交) 验收管理格式
Completion and acceptance of management format
Meetings Management format
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 广州珠江黄埔大桥格式化管理
Format management in Guangzhou Pearl River Huangpu Bridge (2)监理业务格式化管理 Supervision format management 工程开工管理
Project start management
Construction application and report management
Project check acceptance management
Work instruction management
Construction site management
Supervision report management
Laboratory management
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 广州珠江黄埔大桥格式化管理
Format management in Guangzhou Pearl River Huangpu Bridge (3)施工业务格式化管理 Construction business format management 质量自控和监理
Quality self-control and supervision
Project progress management
Safety self-control and supervision
Project fund management
Environmental protection and monitoring
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 青藏铁路建设项目概况
Overview of Qinghai-Tibet Railway Project 青藏铁路于 2001年6月29日正式 开工建设,2006年7月1日胜利建成 ,开通运营,是海拔最高,线路最 长的高原冻土铁路. 长的高原冻土铁路 青藏铁路成功解决"多年冻土, 高寒缺氧,生态脆弱"三大世界性 程难 工程难题.
The construction of Qinghai-Tibet Railway began on June 29, 2001, and it was completed and operated on July 1, 2006. is the highest d longest 2006 It i th hi h t and l t plateau permafrost railway. The three worldwide engineering problems "Permafrost; High altitude, cold and hypoxia; and Fragile ecology" yp g gy were solved during Qinghai-Tibet Railway construction.
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 青藏铁路合同化管理
Contract management of Qinghai-Tibet Railway project 合同体系的总体构想
Overall concept of contract system
Plan contract system carefully
case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 青藏铁路合同化管理
Contract management of Qinghai-Tibet Railway project
Revised and improved the contract terms and conditions comprehensively 合同订立的依据及补充协议中的特殊条款
Basis for working out the contract and special provisions of the supplemental agreement
Construction Constr ction contract
Supervision contract S ii t t
Equipment purchase contract E i t h t t
把环保内容纳入工 程合同之中强制执行; 增加了劳动卫生和医 疗保障,协作与配合, 民风,民俗,宗教习 惯等条款
对监理在施工准备, 施工和竣工验收等阶 段的工作提出了具体 的要求,特别强调要 依照有关法律法规及 青藏铁路的具体环保 要求
在合同技术条款中 设置有强制性条款, 只要有某一条强制性 条款没有达到,则视 为不合格设备
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 青藏铁路合同化管理
Contract management of Qinghai-Tibet Railway project (3)全面确保合同目标
Ensured the achievement of contract goals 切实履行合 定期检查合 同,提高合 同,落实合 同 提高合 同 落实合 同的履约率 同监督工作 明确部门职 责,提高合 责 提高合 同管理效率 依 订 合 依法订立合 同,保证合 同的合法性 严格审查合 同,保证合 同的完备性 实行动态管 理,落实合 理 落实合 同跟踪制度 合理执行变 更,贯彻变 更 贯彻变 更管理程序 及时处理纠 纷,维护双 方合法权益 规范合同台 账,保证资 料的完整性
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 三峡工程概况
Overview of Three Gorges Project
三峡工程是中国,也是 世界上最大的水利枢纽工 程,是治理和开发长江的 程 是治理和开发长江的 关键性骨干工程.
Three Gorges Project is the largest water control project in both China and the world and the key y backbone project for governing and developing Yangtze River.
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 三峡工程信息化管理
IT management of Three Gorges Project
Three construction phases
Phase 1:Three Gorges Project Management System g j g y
Phase 2 El t i it Production Control and Management System Ph 2: Electricity P d ti C t l d M tS t
Phase 3: Informatization process of the whole group
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 三峡工程信息化管理
IT management of Three Gorges Project
(1)工程管理信息系统(TGPMS)不断推动三峡工程的管理创新 (2)信息技术积极推动三峡工程的管理进步 (3)电力生产管理信息系统(EPMS)促进一流电厂管理 (3)电力生产管理信息系统(EPMS)促进 流电厂管理 (4)集团财务集中管理系统凸现企业财务管理文化 (5)集团人力资源管理系统提升人力资源管理能力 ( )信息 推进 织体系建设 (6)信息化推进组织体系建设 (7)信息化绩效考核 Created a multi-purpose IT management system: (1)TGPMS helped constant management innovation in Three Gorges Project (2)Information technology promoted progress in Three Gorges project management (3)EPMS promoted first-class power plant management (4)Group's centralized finance management system highlighted enterprise finance management culture ( ) (5)Group's human resource management System enhanced human resource management capacity p g y g p y (6)Informationization promoted organization system construction (7) Performance Assessment Informationization
Case studies of standard management of major engineering projects 成功开发并应用了工程管理信息系统(TGPMS)
Succeed in developing and applying Three Gorges Project Management System 应用现代计算机技术,通信技术,数据库技术,办公自动化技术,多媒体技术及现代 管理科学相结合,根据项目管理功能将系统分解成13个相互独立但又有一定联系的子系 统,构成完整的工程管理系统. 应用在金沙江溪洛渡工程 向家坝工程 新能源开发等三峡总公司正在进行的所有工 金沙江溪洛渡工程,向家坝工程,新能源开发 程建设项目的建设管理. 获得湖北省2006年度科技进步一等奖. 进而推广到奥运工程,高速铁路建设,广州亚运会和国内其它的大型水电工程项目上.
Applied the combination of advanced computer technology, communication technology, database technology, office automation technology, multimedia technology and modern management science to decompose the system into 13 subsystems which are not only mutually independent but also related to certain degree according to project management function, to form an complete engineering management system. Applied in the project construction management of all the Group's ongoing construction projects such as the Xiloudu hydroelectric project and XiangJia Dam project on JiSha River and new energy development, etc. Won th first i W the fi t prize of scientific and technological progress in Hubei Province in 2006. f i tifi dt h l i l i H b iP i i 2006 Had further applications to Olympic project, High-speed Railway Construction, Guangzhou Asian Games and other large-scale hydropower projects.
Major engineering project management development trends
Promote benchmarking management
实施集成化管理 实施集成 管
Implement Integrated Management
Advocate meticulous management Ad t ti l t
Strengthen harmonious project management concept
Major engineering project management development trends 石油化工工程集成化管理案例
Case study of integrated management of petroleum chemical engineering (1)采用中国特色的新型管理模式: 一体化项目管理组+工程总承包商+工程建设监理承包商
Applied the new management model of Chinese characteristics : Integrated Project Management Team Team+ Total Project Contractor Project Supervision Contractor. Contractor+
加强工程建设全过程的协调管理 有利于技术与管理的衔接 有利于建设目标的整体实现
Strengthening the coordinated management of entire project process Conducive to the link between technology and management Conducive to the overall achievement of the project goals
Major engineering project management development trends
Case of integrated management of petroleum chemical engineering
(2) 强化"以技术改造为主 消除'瓶颈'制约"的工程建设理念 促进技 强化"以技术改造为主,消除'瓶颈'制约"的工程建设理念,促进技 术创新.
Strengthened the engineering construction concept of "removing the 'bottleneck' restrictions mainly through technological transformations , and promoted technological innovation. transformations" innovation
营造技术创新的浓厚氛围 促进技术含量的提高 技术创新促进项目绩效的提高
Created a strong atmosphere for technological innovation Enhanced technological contents Technological innovation promoted project performance
将技术开发与重大石化工程建设 项目相结合,开发成功一系列成 套技术并在一批当代世界级石化 工程中得到应用.
Through Combining the technology development with major petrochemical engineering projects, succeeded in developing a series of complete sets of technologies and applied to a number of world-class petrochemical projects.
Major engineering project management development trends
随着管理科学和工程管理实践的发展,规范化管理技术不 随着管理科学和 程管理实践的发展 规范化管理技术 断丰富与完善.集成化管理,精细化管理,和谐管理,标杆管 新 , 断 理等新的管理理论与方法,正不断为重大工程规范化管理技术 注入新的内涵,在我国重大工程管理实践中发挥更大的作用.
With the development of management science and engineering management practice, standard management technology for major engineering projects is being enriched and improved on daily basis, with more and more new connotations created through the introduction of new management theories and methods such as integrated management, meticulous management, harmonious management, benchmarking t ti l t h i t b h ki management. We are sure that it will play a greater role in major engineering project management practices in China.
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