• mysqlalter > the mysql 5.1 guide download
  • the mysql 5.1 guide download

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2007-02-01   下载次数:0   点击次数:1
    文档作者:Paul Schacht
    MySQL 5.1
    Jan Kneschke MySQL AB
    Past, Present and Future
    Past S Q L T r e e s m e e ts D y n a m ic S Q L P re s e n t E v e n ts P a r titio n in g F u tu r e V e r tic a l P a r titio n in g
    About the Presenter

    Jan Kneschke Senior Developer in the MySQL Network Team jan@mysql.com

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    Drives the development of the highperformance web-server lighttpd Was trainer and consultant at MySQL before becoming a developer

    Raise your hands
    ● ● ●
    Who is using MySQL 4.1 or older Who is using MySQL 5.0, 5.1 or later Who uses Prepared Statements Stored Procedures Partitioning
    ● ● ● ●
    Who is using one of the features with another vendors RDBMS
    Back in Time

    Last years tutorial concentrated on Stored Procedures, VIEWs and Triggers Examples can be found at http://jan.kneschke.de/projects/mysql/sp/ Who has attended last years tutorial
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    Prepared Statements
    First available in MySQL 4.1 S p lit u p th e e x e c u tio n o f S Q L s ta te m e n ts in to a P R E P A R E a n d a E X E C U T E p h a s e A t best P R E P A R E once, E X E C U TE m u ltip le tim e s P r e v e n ts S Q L -in je c tio n
    Prepared Statements
    Stored Procedures
    A programming language running in the context of the DBMS U s e s th e s y n ta x d e fin e d in th e S Q L :2 0 0 3 s ta n d a r d P r o v id e s C o n tr o l-F lo w , L o o p s , E x c e p tio n s , C u r s o r s , ... S P s a r e u s e d b y T r ig g e r s , E v e n ts , F u n c tio n s
    Stored Procedures
    CREATE PROCEDURE fill_table () BEGIN DECLARE n INT DEFAULT 1000; ins_loop: LOOP INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (n); SET n = n - 1; IF (NOT n) THEN LEAVE ins_loop; END IF; END LOOP ins_loop; END$$
    Dynamic SQL
    fill_table() works only against one table S Q L S ta te m e n ts in S P s a r e s ta tic


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