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  • itunes extras/itunes lp development: tunekit programming

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    iTunes Extras/iTunes LP Development TuneKit Programming Guide v1.0
    page 1
    iTunes Extras/iTunes LP Development: TuneKit Programming Guide v1.0
    11-18-2009 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved
    iTunes Extras/iTunes LP Development TuneKit Programming Guide v1.0
    page 2
    TuneKit Reference TKController View Outlets Actions Navigation Custom Transitions Callbacks TKNavigationController TKTabController TKPageSliderController Image faders (hover buttons) Preloading image assets Background Audio Navigation on the Apple TV
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    2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved
    iTunes Extras/iTunes LP Development TuneKit Programming Guide v1.0
    page 3
    TuneKit Reference
    The TuneKit controller classes are designed to streamline the creation of Cocktail booklets that follow basic design patterns. Using the TuneKit controllers, authors can use JSON to instantiate most of the controllers' properties and rely on an automated spatial keyboard and Apple Remote focus navigation across interactive portions of the booklet. This document gives an introduction to the TuneKit framework. For more comprehensive details, refer to the TuneKit API documentation.
    The TKController class is the base class for all controllers, as such all of its properties apply to other controller types described below. A basic controller is instantiated as follows: var controller = new TKController({ id: 'home', actions : [ { selector: '.play', action: bookletController.playFeature } ], navigatesTo : [ { selector: '.chapters', controller: chaptersController }, { selector: '.extras', controller: extrasController } ] }); In this example, we create a controller which will automatically load the element with id "home" and wires up actions and navigation anchors to its content.
    Controllers manage an HTML fragment referred to as the view. The view is loaded dynamically by first looking for an element in the existing DOM tree with the given id property, and if it cannot be found, loading the content of the HTML page in the booklet's views/ directory with the filename of the id. If this also fails, an empty element with that id is created.


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