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    UNEP-GEF WIO-LaB Project Addressing Land Based Activities in the Western Indian Ocean
    Status of the Marine Environment Report Seychelles
    May 2008
    Compiled by Bijoux, J.P., Decomarmond, A. & Aumeeruddy, R.
    Table of Contents
    1.GENERAL INTRODUCTION 2. COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS 2.1 Overview of geographical extent of the marine habitats 2.2 Coastal Terrestrial habitats 2.3 Mangrove forests and coastal wetlands 2.4 Coral reefs 2.5 Seagrass beds 2.6 Sediment/soft bottom habitats 2.7 Rocky shore habitats 2.8 Coastal Pelagic habitats and upwelling areas 3. SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN AND FLAGSHIP SPECIES 3.1 Marine Mammals 3.2 Sea turtles 3.3 Shoreline birds 3.4 Species of Special Importance 3.4.1 Sharks 4.4.2 Sea cucumbers 4. COASTAL COMMUNITIES 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Population dynamics 4.3 Access to social services 4.4 Gender equity 4.5 Economic status and resource use 5. ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES 5.1 Coastal tourism 5.2 Agriculture 5.3 Shipping and ports 5.4 Aquaculture 5.5 Fisheries 5.6 Curio trade 5.7 Mining 5.8 Forestry
    6 9 9 9 9 12 16 19 23 23 24 24 31 32 34 34 35 36 36 36 38 38 39 40 40 40 41 43 45 47 48 49
    5.9 Other industries and economic activities 6. MAJOR HUMAN AND NATURAL IMPACTS ON COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS 6.1 Fisheries and other species extraction 6.2 Coastal and marine pollution 6.3 Shoreline management and erosion 6.4 Physical alteration and destruction of habitats (PADH) 6.5 Climate Change 6.6 Invasive Species 7. COASTAL GOVERNANCE 7.1 Tools 7.2 National laws and regulations 7.3 Institutional framework 7.4 Civil Society, Private sector, research/education institutions, CBOs and NGOs. 50 52 52 53 55 56 57 59 61 61 62 65 70
    7.5 Institutional framework and legislation for international and trans-boundary 74 cooperation 7.6 Interactions, gaps and overlaps in coastal governance 75 7.7 Stakeholders participation in coastal governance 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Main findings 8.2 Proposed interventions 8.3 ICM Planning for the future 8.4 Poverty reduction strategies in coastal and marine planning 8.5 Way forward 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 10. REFERENCES 11. APPENDICES 77 80 80 83 84 85 85 86 87 93


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