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  • 3878_6y12 fce specs for web

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    文档作者:Preferred Customer
    Experts in Language Assessment
    First Certicatein English
    FCE Specications and Sample Papers for examinations from December 2008
    UCLES 2006 EMC/3878/6Y12
    FCE content and overview
    Content Part 1 A text followed by eight multiple-choice questions. A text from which seven sentences have been removed and placed in a jumbled order, together with an additional sentence, after the text. A text or several short texts preceded by 15 multiplematching questions. One compulsory question. Candidates choose one task from a choice of five questions (including the set text options).
    Test focus Candidates are expected to show understanding of specific information, text organisation features, tone, text structure.
    READING 1 hour
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 1
    WRITING 1 hour 20 minutes
    Part 2
    Candidates are expected to be able to write non-specialised text types such as article, essay, letter, email, report, review, short story, with a focus on advising, apologising, comparing, describing, explaining, expressing opinions, justifying, persuading, recommending, suggesting. Candidates are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge of the language system by completing a number of tasks.
    Part 1
    A modified cloze test containing 12 gaps and followed by 12 multiple-choice items. A modified open cloze test containing 12 gaps. A text containing 10 gaps. Each gap corresponds to a word. The stems of the missing words are given beside the text and must be changed to form the missing word. Eight separate questions, each with a lead-in sentence and a gapped second sentence to be completed in two to five words, one of which is a given 'key word'. A series of eight short unrelated extracts from monologues or exchanges between interacting speakers. There is one multiple-choice question per extract. A monologue or text involving interacting speakers, with a sentence completion task which has 10 questions. Five short related monologues, with five multiple-matching questions. A monologue or text involving interacting speakers, with seven multiple-choice questions. A conversation between the interlocutor and each candidate (spoken questions). An individual 'long turn' for each candidate, with a brief response from the second candidate (visual and written stimuli, with spoken instructions). A two-way conversation between the candidates (visual and written stimuli, with spoken instructions). A discussion on topics related to Part 3 (spoken questions).


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