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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    Conference Guide of ICA, 2011
    Update: 18-02-2011
    Time: March 23-25, 2011 Venue: Ground Floor C2 Entrance, China National Convention Center, Beijing, China http://www.bitlifesciences.com/ica2011/
    This guide is a practical reference for participants of ICA, 2011. It provides information on all conference-related aspects of logistics, transportation, food, accommodation and sightseeing. (Please note that there will be minor changes in session sequence number, the confirmed program will be sent in early March. Please contact Jenny at jenny@bit-ica.com if you haven't got the final program until March 10th)
    1. Time: 08:00-18:00, March 22nd and 23rd Place: Ground Floor C2 Entrance, China National Convention Center (CNCC) 2. Time:19:00-21:00, March 22nd Place: Front Hall, Beijing Vision Hotel 3. Time: 19:00-21:00, March 22nd Place: Ground Floor Front Hall, Sunworld Hotel Beijing E-mail: jenny@bit-ica.com
    We suggest you to go to the hotel first upon your arrival at Beijing since it will be difficult to take a taxi with your luggage around the conference venue. We will set three separate registration desks, one in the Vision Hotel, the others are in the the Sunworld Hotel Beijing and the conference venue. You can confirm your registration information at the registration desk in your hotel then get your conference kits upon your arrival at the Convention Center. Security passes must be worn at all times as the conference is not accessible otherwise. P.S.1. Confirmed posters along with your slides will be collected at the registration desk on March 22nd only. These slides should be well displayed on PC and please keep a backup copy by yourself. 2. Confirmation paper or Receipt is also needed to confirm your status of a speaker or attendee
    Conference Venue:
    The Conference venue and all activities of the program will be arranged at China National Convention Center, Beijing, China, located in the heart of the Beijing Olympic Green, the China National Convention Centre (CNCC) is next to the Bird Nest (China National Stadium for the Olympics opening and closing ceremonies), the Water Cube (National Aquatics Center) and the National Indoor Stadium. The CNCC complex consists of the convention center, CNCC Grand Hotel, InterContinental Hotel and two office buildings. The Centre has 8 floors with two more in the basement and a shopping mall inside. The address is:


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