• 太阳方位跟踪控制系统 > 光伏实时跟踪及数据采集系统An integrated real time tracking and ...
  • 光伏实时跟踪及数据采集系统An integrated real time tracking and ...

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    文档标题:光伏实时跟踪及数据采集系统 An integrated real time tracking and data acquisition photovoltaic system Hu jing ,Zheng
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    光伏实时跟踪及数据采集系统 胡晶,郑寿森,祁新梅,熊谌飞,戴丰加 (中山大学电力电子及控制技术研究所,珠海 519082) 摘要: 本文设计了一个集太阳方位跟踪和实时数据采集于一体的光伏发电系统。利用光敏器件 发送的反馈信息来实时调整和控制步进电机以跟踪太阳方位。提出了“等待太阳法”的电机 控制策略,以达到降低运动损耗、提高发电效率的目的。给出了光伏阵列的电压、电流等采 样电路,由单片机采集数据并通过 RS-232 串口通讯传至上位机.对跟踪式和固定式光伏阵列 进行了比较,结果显示,跟踪式光伏阵列的发电效率较之固定式提高了约 23%。 关键词:光伏系统 ; 实时方位跟踪 ; 数据采集 中图分类号 TP216;TP27;TP29 文献标识码:A An integrated real time tracking and data acquisition photovoltaic system Hu jing ,Zheng shou sen ,Qi xin mei ,Xiong chen fei ,Dai feng jia (Institute of Power Electronics & control technology, SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY, Zhuhai,519082,china) Abstract:This paper provides a method to develop a PV system which combines sun tracking with real time data acquisition. The position and “status” of the sun are detected by some light-dependent resistors (LDRs). The MCU calculates the difference between two symmetry LDRs, and then drive motors to make sure that the PV is vertically irradiated by the sun. At the same time, the MCU calculates the Open-circuit voltage Voc, Short-circuit current Isc, output power Pm, Etc. The MCU transfer these data to PC thought the port RS-232. In the end of this paper, a comparison between the stationary system and trucking system is made, and the result shows that the Energy improved about 23% by trucking the sun. Key word: PV system ;real time sun tracking ;data acquisition 0 引言 随着世界经济的快速发展,人类对能源的需求越来越大,而常规化石能源的可用储量日 趋减少,如石油、天然气等,均面临枯竭的危险。因而开发新型能源是人类的当务之急,太 阳能以其清洁,环保,取之不尽等优点而越来越受到人类的重视[1]。近 20 年来,对太阳能 的应用方式的研究越来越多,太阳能光伏发电系统的应用得到飞速发展。但光伏系统发电效 率不高始终是困扰研究者的一大难题,如何提高发电效率一直是太阳能应用的研究热点。采


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