• 央美色彩静物素描视频 > 国小高年级视觉艺术色彩教学策略研究
  • 国小高年级视觉艺术色彩教学策略研究

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    文档作者:Mary Ann Thompson
    国新竹师范学院进修暨推广部教师在职进修 美教育研究所美教学硕士班硕士文
    Studies in Color Teaching Strategy of Visual Arts at 5th and 6th Elementary School Graders
    指导教授:燕卿教授 研 究 生:粘瑞
    中 华 民 国 九 十 三 十 月 日

    本研究是以探讨国小高级色彩教育的严重差为研究动机,采用文献中相 关高级知觉发展与色彩学习相关内涵,加上集合国内目前相关策运用,拟定 次配合认知,技能,情意发展之教学策拟改善目前国小色彩教学的现况. 本实验样本为方取样五级学生共 72 人,按班级分为实验组 36 人与对 照组 36 人,进传统色彩教学与运用教学策的次实验教学. 本研究目的所拟定的教学策为强化高级的色彩表现上的三方面学习: (一) ,色彩认知能:透过策能解「色相,明,彩」在画面上色彩层次, 空间,美感表现的重要性. (二) ,色彩技能表现:透过策能提升调色的兴趣与学习动机,在使用颜色的 ,涂色能与表现色彩的能的自能明显地增进. (三) ,色彩情意表现:透过色彩教育的策提示,能使儿童在色彩情意的表达, 画面创意的与色彩价值观都能因而提升. 教学过程的重大发现为:笔者在美术教学任教在十五以,发现学童的彩 画能有普遍低的现象,及素材运用能:色彩美感知觉能与色彩的认知 足.因此本策中之教学单元的活泼化设计,主题式的色彩教学,能提升学童的 敏感知觉与创作动机,并能充分享受调色变化的学习兴趣. 本研究所获致结如下: (一) ,实验组因为策的运用而提升学童在色彩认知(层次,空间,美感)之 能. (二) ,色彩技能(调色,涂色能,调色表现)也因策中教学引导的明 确目标而建明显的用色习惯与能. (三) ,情意(态,创意,价值观)的后测显现,色彩表现的学习动机与学习 态明显提升,学生发现色彩在艺术的传达表现与生活实现上的重要性. 根据以上的发现与结,本研究提出对目前美术教育课程设计的具体教学方 案,供国小视觉艺术教师与课程设计相关单位考,并期色彩教学在课程设计 中,提升为专门学科,色彩单元在教科书中比提升,以期从色彩的欣赏,认知, 技能表现能,达到创作的其他能. 关键字: 国小高级 视觉艺术 色彩教学策
    This thesis probes into the problem of the seriously deteriorating color teaching at 5th and 6th graders in elementary schools. I adopted references concerning perception development and color learning of 5th and 6th graders and collected present related teaching strategies nationwide. With them, I designed a six-time teaching plan which integrates those advantages mentioned above and theories of cognition, skills and affection development, and aimed at ameliorating the current color teaching in elementary schools. The number of 5th graders as experiment sample is 72. 36 out of these students are experimental group who were taught by the teaching plan I designed, and the other 36 students are control group who received the traditional color education. The goal of this teaching strategy is to reinforce 5th and 6th graders' performance in three aspects of coloring; they are: (1) Cognition on colors: Be able to understand "hues, brightness, and saturation" and those elements' importance in the picture composition, space and aesthetic expression. (2) Skills on manipulating colors: Stimulates students' learning interests in mixing colors, and it helps them to use more colors, paint better and achieve higher overall coloring effects, and furthermore, reflect on their own works. (3) Affections on colors: Become more confident in expressing their affections through colors. As a result, it enhances their creativities and aesthetic value.


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